I'd Search the Depths (P4)

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Info - swimming through corpses, drugging someone, stealing, brining someone back to life, cutting self, eating disorder, self harm problem, obsessive behavior, wiping memory, dark magic, mention of killing animals

I was finally ready. I'd reanimated five different animals. It was a long process of spells, potions, and it snapped my strength greatly but this was all going to be worth it. It had taken me months to brew all the potions I needed.

I flashed back to visiting Rose's grandmother's house, the Burrow. I'd felt evil doing it, but I'd drugged Albus's dad. I'd spiked his drink with veritiserum and grilled him about the experience of getting the locket, and wiped his memory afterward. Victori had also supplied me with some details, and I was feeling confident about the trip.

I ate a hearty breakfast, knowing I'd need sustenance and strength. I'd heal the cuts on my body. I'd packed all my supplies and I was of age so I could use magic and apparate.

I had it all planned out as I walked confidently across the green of the Hogwarts grounds. I was surprised they didn't keep anyone to guard the gates. I supposed they were more worried about people coming in than going out.

I slipped out the gate. I twirled and landed where Regulus and Kreacher had so long ago. I found the chink in the wall. I slipped inside. I waded through the murky water. It was nearly Yule time so it was freezing. I couldn't feel my legs by the time I got to the rock and easily cut my palm. I smeared my blood on the wall and an opening appeared.

I stalked into the room and put down my pack.

"Accio Regulus!" I called, figuring I'd give it a shot. I knew there must be some magic wards against accio. Harry had tried it and it hadn't worked.

"Let's see here," I mumbled. I had stolen an old scarf of Regulus's from Sirius's closet. I felt horrid about it, but I needed to do it.

I mumbled the tracking spell. I felt a pull to the left. I took a breath and jumped into the freezing water. I gagged as I came face to face with a corpse. The scarf was tugging at me. To my surprise none of the bodies reached out towards me.

I realized two things may be the cause. One, I wasn't trying to get to the locket. Perhaps their enchantment had long died with Voldemort. Or maybe, worse to think about, they hadn't realized I wasn't the Dark Lord. After all I had killed a unicorn, death must cling to me.

I put the thoughts out of my head as I followed the yank of the scarf. I swam along and soon I was in front of him. I cupped his cheek. He was so pale. Just as young and just as beautiful as he had been all those years ago. I took his hand and swam along. To my surprise he wasn't dead weight, he was light, like all his insides had been scooped out.

I dragged him onto shore. I kissed his cheek delicately.

"Dear Regulus, I can't wait to give you life," I sighed. I ran fingers through his hair delicately.

"Alright let's get this done," I said, cracking my knuckles.

I cast five spells in quick succession. A warming charm, invigorating charm, an agility charm, a wakefulness charm, and finally, a protection spell. Secondly, I cast an energy splicing spell, it gave half of my energy or life force to him. His skin was already pinkening. Next I poured half a vial of Felix Felicis into his mouth, I took the other half. I poured an energy potion in his mouth that I had to pry open. I felt so tired and like I could lay down next to him and sleep for years. I took the next energy potion and then spliced my energy again.

To finish up, I poured unicorn blood down his throat and then on his skin. I massaged it into his skin.

He coughed! He turned to the side and spat up a small puddle of water. He was heaving. I was in awe of his beauty despite having just being dead.

"What is going on?" He asked in a raspy voice. His eyes drifted to me. I loved the sparkling grey already.

"Who are you?" He growled.

"Regulus Black, I'm y/n Crescent, and I just brought you back to life." 

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