Chapter 1.

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<< Kimberly hid under her bed, hugging her stuffed pink bunny tightly. She had heard the bottles smash downstairs, aware that it would only be a matter of minutes until he came. He had shouted her name, but she refused to answer. She wouldn't be his slave anymore.

The young girl shut her eyes tightly, feeling the warm tears roll down her cheeks. As she heard the third step from the staircase creak, she forced her eyes open again. Kimberly turned her head towards the door, hesitant. She held her sobs down, frightened.

Why am I hiding? He knows I'm here, Kimberly thought to herself. No one from the military hides when they're scared. They stand up for themselves and fight. That's what Price told me. That's what my daddy would do.

Kimberly inhaled deeply, composing herself. She used her elbows and dragged herself from out under the bed, standing up. She held the bunny tightly by its long ears, letting its feet drag along the wooden floor. She used her free hand to dry away her tears, standing tall - just as her father once did.

The door was forced open, and Kimberly stared at her unbelievably drunk father. Bruce glared at his little girl that tried to seem big, but the room was swallowing her and her entire body was trembling.

-"Drop the act. Why don't you answer me when I call you?" Bruce snapped, stepping further into the room.
-"A soldier doesn't hide. You can go fetch your own beer," Kimberly answered, in which she immediately regretted it. The man in front of her scoffed, leaning onto the walls. It took seconds, and then he charged at her.

-"The mouth on you, you little shit!"
The man threw his fist down at the girl in pure anger, making her fall flat on her bum. She lost grip of her pink bunny as she landed on her back trying to secure herself. She was shocked by the burning pain spreading around her face.

Kimberly bit the inside of her cheek, pushing herself back up on her feet. She kept her stare on her father, refusing to let him see her tears. She was stronger than he thought. She would prove that to him.
-"Tough little shit, huh?! I've told you you're not going to be a soldier, so stop acting like one. Just because my friend Price likes you!" Bruce shouted, bringing his fist down on the girl once more.

Kimberly lost her footing once more, falling over. The words reached her, and she remained still on the floor, accepting defeat.
-"Don't you see what all the training and war has done to me? It'll do the exact same to you! War kills you on the inside, and I don't want you to go through the same as me!"
-"I will never become the monster that you are. I am going to serve my country, no matter how much you'll punish me for it. I am going to be like Price," Kimberly said angrily, her eyes stuck on her pink bunny. She knew what was coming.

-"What did you say? You little fucking-!"
Bruce stepped closer to her and he wanted to kick the girl on the floor, but he kept himself from doing so. He took in the look of her already bruised face, knowing that he would need an excuse. Price was going to visit them tomorrow, as usual. But he couldn't help himself. He was beyond pissed on the child. So angry that he didn't care.

Kimberly moved her sight over to her father, and she knew that was the final straw. His stare was hard, but hers was harder and deeper. Bruce shifted his weight over on one foot, sending the other straight for her jaw. The blow resulted in a lot of pain, and her head went flying down on the hard wooden floor. Kimberly blacked out immediately after. >>

Friday, 5th of November, 2021.

There was silence once Kimberly opened her eyes. Sweat was rolling off of her body as she tried to fly up from the hard metal bench, but the cuffs rattled and scratched deeper within her wounds. She groaned for herself, collapsing back down. The reality of her everyday life hit her once more.
Kimberly was breathing in the thick heavy air, the itching feeling all over her body returning.

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