Chapter 31.

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Wednesday, 8th of December, 2021.

Kimberly settled down in the car, looking out the window. Everything was familiar, as of they were in Wyoming - her home area. They had landed in Casper, the town she bad been growing up in. She honestly just wanted to make a run for it, and escape. Run back home to the familiarity of her base. But she knew no one would be waiting for her there. Her team had left the military base.

But she had come this far. She had gained Makarov's full trust. He had even allowed her to travel with him to pick up Imran, but Kimberly wasn't even sure they would find him. Truth be told, she didn't know anything anymore. She hadn't heard from her team since she left, and Phillip had only spoken to Price once. Their first day away. It had been radio silence, and she felt alone.

Everything had Kimberly on edge. Were the others okay? Had they been hurt? Or killed? When would Makarov hear about her team fighting their way through the Las Almas Cartel? Surely he would tell her about it, and she was scared that he would figure out about her true identity. Everything had been fine up til now, so she didn't understand why she worried this much.

Kimberly was disappointed that she had not heard a word from anyone. John, Simon and Johnny - her closest teammates. Perhaps they remained quiet so that she would focus on her own task, but she had a bad feeling in her gut. She knew something was wrong.

-"It's quite beautiful here, don't you think?" Makarov said, shutting the door. Kimberly pushed herself over to the middle seat, feeling his hand sneak over her shoulders.
-"It is. I thought of Wyoming as this one big forest," Kimberly said, thinking back to the Bridger-Teton National Forest. She honestly wanted to go back there and just enjoy the nature and beauty of it without being chased by a bear.

-"No, Wyoming is quite beautiful and much more than just a forest. When we pick up Imran, he will be uncertain about you. But I will assure him that you're good. It's been quite some time since I saw him last. I'm a bit nervous if I may say so," Makarov said, kissing Kimberly's hair.

She turned towards him and smiled, laying her forehead against his. It didn't take long for her to feel his lips on hers, but she had gotten pretty used to it by now. It was just something she had to close her eyes for and ignore. They had become really close, and Kimberly had forced everything in the back of her head. It felt like he owned her body, and it grossed her out. Makarov pulled away from the kiss, grinning down on the woman.

-"Tell me, what's Imran going to help us with?" Kimberly asked. She still didn't know what Imran was supposed to do for them. A man with one arm. She was honestly still clueless about any of Makarov's plans. He had been as quiet as a mouse about them, and he had watched her like a hawk. She didn't blame him though. He had to be real careful about who he shares things with and who he let in his team.

It all honestly annoyed her. She wanted to be able to sneak through his files and get the shit out of dodge with the needed information. But she knew she couldn't rush it. Patience was her best bet right now, given that everyone seemed to rely on her.

-"Imran is a smart man. All I need is his brain. He plans something and I proceed to do it. Sure, we might not look like much the two of us, but we're quite the good team. With you alongside me, we'll be unstoppable," Makarov said, grinning for himself. "We planned on firing off some missiles before he was shot and captured. We only got to detonate one nuke, but there's still four bombs awaiting their final destination."

-"Missiles? Are you really going to fire off four missiles?" Kimberly snapped, looking at Makarov with shock on her face.
-"Yes. Which is why I need Imran by my side. He has the codes for the detonators for the missiles. He sent me some information about it over mail, but I need him with me to be sure. Without him, I'll need to push back my plan several weeks," Makarov said, staring out of the window.
-"Where are you going to detonate them?"

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