Chapter 33.

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<< Kimberly looked up from the ground, feeling the entire ground shake as the grenade from the rocket launcher hit the barricades ahead. The front line fell, but the soldiers hurried back up to their stations. They refused to let their post fall to the enemies.

Kimberly hid in between a small passage way of two houses, staring at the sand that flew up, rendering them blind. They couldn't see where they were shooting. She felt useless, being unable to help in the front line.
-"Keep low to the ground!"

Kimberly held tightly onto her backpack, feeling the adrenaline rush through her. She felt useless, aware that they needed eyes higher up if they were to see the enemy.
-"Kim!" She whipped her head around, laying eyes on Mia. She let out a relieved sigh, aware that her friend was still alive. She was fine.
-"We need more people shooting. They have the upper hand on us," Kimberly said, still hearing gunshots flying around.

-"I-I can't help with that," Mia said, settling down beside Kimberly. Mia had refused many times to take enemy lives. She was only there to save her soldiers who had been hurt.
-"But I can. Stay here in case they need you," Kimberly ordered, getting up. She ran out of cover, over to the casket holding their weapons. Kimberly grabbed the M107 and all the 50BMG rounds she could fit in her hands and pocket.

She ran back to where Mia was, but she ran past her. Kimberly made her way to the third story of the houses, collapsing down. The roof was high up, and there were rocks big enough to shield her. Kimberly loaded the M107 and flipped the safety off. She lined it up on the ground and aimed in on their enemies, firing off the first shot.

It hit a man in the middle of his eyes, and then she aimed on the man next to him - hitting him as well.
The dust hadn't settled just yet, but it had settled enough for her to see. It was still making its way down to the ground, which meant her men were still unable to see.
-"Who's up on that fucking house?!"

Kimberly could hear her Major shouting at the top of his lungs. She aimed in on a new person, firing.
-"Just me Biscuit, Major. Seemed like you would need someone on high ground!" Kimberly shouted back, not caring. She knew very well that she had abandoned her station. It wasn't the first time she had done it.
-"You're a medic, Soldier! You're not-."
-"I know!" Kimberly shouted back, cutting her Major off. She just wanted to help them.

Kimberly knew she wasn't supposed to participate in battle. She was supposed to stay in the back line, standing ready to help wounded soldiers when it was deemed safe to do so. But she missed this. Missed all the action of being front line.

She could hear flyers coming in, and she aimed her scope up.
-"F-22's coming in hot! Throw the smoke grenade!" Kimberly shouted, picking up the M107. She hurried back down from the building, as she knew that their backup would deal with the rest of their enemies. She threw the M107 down on the ground as she settled back down beside Mia, pretending like nothing had happened.

-"You're gonna be in trouble. You broke direct orders and changed your position," Mia said, staring at her friend. She didn't know much about Kimberly, but her courage and aim really impressed her. Kimberly clearly had some experience that she herself didn't have.
-"I don't care. They needed eyes on top and I had a free hand to lend them," Kimberly said, letting out a sigh. She was thirsty, the dry air and striking sun putting its toll on everyone.

They sat quietly as the jets came closer, dropping their bombs. They could hear gunfire from further away, and they knew it came from their enemies. They could hear a scream from a soldier close by, and the girls shared a look.
-"I'll take it," Mia said, standing ready. As the bombs exploded and the enemies fell, silence arrived.

Both Kimberly and Mia ran out from their hiding place, holding tightly onto their medical bags. Mia ran towards the closest person who seemed to have been shot somewhere. Kimberly ran to the next, who was clutching his chest tightly.

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