Chapter 28.

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Kimberly stepped out of the bathroom, feeling uncomfortable. She felt Phillips eyes on her, studying her from head to toe.
-"You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress! But you should put your hair up to match the rest of your appearance. Here, sit down and I'll help you," Phillip said. His eyes lingered on the girl that was dressed in an unbelievably beautiful red sparkly dress. It hugged her body tightly, and it seemed like there was glitter on it with the correct lighting. Her red glittery eyeshadow matched perfectly with the dress and her new hair. The black furry coat that went along with it still laid on the bed. Phillip had never seen her this beautiful before, and his regret for betraying her grew stronger.

Kimberly settled down, studying herself in the mirror on the wall. She cleared her throat as she switched up her accent and made her voice lighter.
-"Victoria Williams. British SAS soldier, betrayed by her own people," Kimberly said, staring at herself. It didn't feel like her. It didn't look like her. She seemed nervous in her own eyes. Which was a bad sign. If she couldn't fool herself, then she wouldn't fool anyone else either.

-"No one's going to suspect a thing. You'll just need to seem more confident. Own the show, okay? A beautiful woman like you wouldn't seem nervous unless she's hiding something," Phillip said, running his hands through her hair. He pictured a hairstyle in his head, deciding that it would fit well. It wouldn't be too much, but it would still make her look complete.

-"I'm thinking that I'm going to the bar on my own tonight. Get a layout of the bar and the people, see if I can pick up some clues. It'll just look suspicious if we appear on the same night and start a fight," Kimberly said, staring at Phillip's hands. He sectioned the top part of her hair, putting it in a tie. He grabbed the hair straightener from her suitcase, plugging it in the wall.

-"Sounds like a plan. I've sectioned your hair, and I'll use the hair straightener to give you a little bit of curls. Then I'll take the top section and make a little ponytail. What do you think about that?" Phillip asked, feeling proud that he was able to help Kimberly with something. He couldn't call himself hair-dresser material, but he could definitely fix someone's hair and dress them up.

That was one of the things he missed so much with Kimberly. The fact that he could dress her up in clothes, that he could style her hair. It had never been in a controlling way, but rather fun and exploring. The whole reason as of why he wanted a daughter so much. Kimberly liked Phillip's style, having been showed several times just how beautiful she could be. But she never found it in her best interest. Dressing up was tiring to her, and a waste of her time.

-"Go ahead and do your thing," Kimberly said, moving her eyes down onto the dress. She felt too pretty, fully aware that men would stare at her with only wrong intentions on their mind. But she didn't worry too much about it. All she needed was for one to try and touch her. One filthy man to knock out cold. That would be enough to get everyone's attention. Hopefully Makarovs as well. "Do you think I can pull this off? Truthfully."

-"I don't think you can, no. I know you can, and you most definitely will. Just remember to do whatever he tells you to do. At even the slightest bit of hesitation, he will question you. You're going to be dealing with a psychopathic mastermind with no remorse. Don't even bother trying to talk reason," Phillip said, working on Kimberly's hair. "He likes crazy chicks, so just go all out."

-"So whatever he wants, he'll get. Sounds good. I am definitely not going to make it back home," Kimberly said, shaking her head. "I'm worried that he'll be the one to trick me. See right through my act, and then kill me."

-"Well... If he does see through your act, please don't tell him anything about you. If you even as much as mention Price or any of us for that matter, he'll torture you. In ways worse than that cartel ever did."

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