Chapter 22.

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Monday, 29th of November, 2021.

Kimberly stared ahead, feeling excited. Her backpack was laying beside her feet, aware that her cue would come soon. They would drop her nothing but a klick from the house, where she would make her way inside from the back. She grabbed her handgun from it's holster, taking out the clip. She made sure that it was full before forcing it back in place.

-"Are you ready for this?"
She turned to look at her brother, giving him a determined nod. By now, she couldn't even count on two hands how many times she had gotten that question just today. It annoyed her, but she pushed it aside. They were worried about her, not doubting her.

-"I'm ready. Ghost, will you give me a heads up when the first floor is secured?" Kimberly asked, stuffing her handgun back into its holster. She felt for her SAS dagger, making sure everything was in place and ready.
-"Affirmative," Ghost said, keeping his eyes on the girl. She seemed ready and excited, but who wouldn't be. She was back on the field after two years. Her first mission back on the job.

-"Bravo 4, this is Shadow 1, we're in position for drop off. Estimated time, 1 minute."
Kimberly listened to Phillip's voice through the comm-link, nodding for herself. She hated the fact that the comm-link was open at all times, missing the radio. The worst thing she knew was that they would listen to each other all the time. It was just a bloody distraction.
-"Bravo 4, copy that," Kimberly said, standing up from her seat.

She grabbed her backpack, hoisting it over her shoulders. She tightened the straps before making sure she had everything. She made her way over to the door, patiently waiting. As she could see the ground from the window, she opened it. Kimberly jumped out, landing in the snow. The wind bit through her clothes, but she didn't care. She looked up to see Soap grabbing the handle, shutting the door after her.

-"Bravo 4 on ground. Making way to the house," Kimberly said, taking a quick look at the compass in her pocket.
-"Bravo 6, copy that. Keep out of sight."
Kimberly found her south as Price spoke, making her way. The helicopter disappeared from her surroundings, making the forest quiet.

It was dark outside, but the snow on the ground was lit up by the moonlight. Just enough so that she could keep orientated.
Kimberly kept a slow jog, crouched down. She kept her eyes peeled as the minutes went by, until the comm-link blasted in her ear.

-"Ground Team 1 is on ground. Approaching the house. ETA 10 minutes," Soap said calmly.
-"Copy that. Bravo 4 has eyes on the building," Kimberly said, grabbing the night vision binoculars hanging onto her side. She brought them up, scanning the outside area. She couldn't see anyone, which she felt was weird and unusual. Something wasn't right. "No guards to be seen on the backside."

Kimberly let go of the binoculars as she almost crawled on the snow, trying to make herself as small as she could. The house was just as she had remembered, and seeing it again made a shiver run down her spine.

-"Bravo 4, Watcher 1. Bravo 6 put a heartbeat detector in your backpack. Use it before entering the house. Air sirens are good to go in five minutes," Laswell said.
-"Copy that."
-"Copy. Ground Team 1 is awaiting air sirens," Ghost confirmed.

Kimberly grabbed her backpack as she reached the house, zipping it open. She found what looked like a robust tablet, grabbing it.
What year are we living in? 2400? Never seen one of these before. It's like cheating. I like it, Kimberly thought as she turned it on. She pointed the antenna towards the hall, seeing one green dot appear on the screen. She then moved it to the kitchen. Five. Then the living room, spotting four.

-"Bravo 4 reads off five in kitchen, four in living room. There's one boogie in the hallway. I'll take him out, then proceed past the others," Kimberly said, stuffing the tablet back in her backpack. She zipped it up, hoisting it on her shoulders.
-"Ground Team 1 copy."

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