Chapter 42.

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Kimberly pulled up to John's house, seeing his car parked outside. She turned the car off and stepped outside while holding her bunny, taking a look at the work Phillip had done. She couldn't see him outside, so her guess was that John had been satisfied with his work. Or they were eating dinner.

Kimberly walked up to the dark wooden front door. She opened it and stepped inside, shutting it again. She laid eyes on pretty much everyone. They had simply stopped with what they were doing, glaring at her.
-"Where on earth have you been? Look at how dirty you are!" Kate said, walking up to Kimberly. She spotted the blood on her knuckles and the dried blood that had soaked through her jumpsuit. Kate noticed the bunny in her hands. She could see the blood that was close to her abdomen, and her suspicion only rose. "Come with me."

Kate grabbed Kimberly's hand and dragged her with her into the bathroom. She walked quickly, not allowing anyone else to see the blood. She closed the door and locked it, crossing her arms. She turned the water on, making sure no one could eavesdrop on them.
-"Talk to me. What's going on?" Kate said, laying eyes on the bunny. Kimberly looked in the mirror, seeing how dusty and dirty she was. She looked like she had been crawling with spiders in a cellar, cobwebs and dust stuck in her hair.

-"I went home," Kimberly said quietly, hugging herself.
-"To Bruce's house? What happened?" Kate asked, staring at Kimberly. Kimberly only shook her head, afraid to speak. "I know you're pregnant. Talk to me, please."

Kimberly turned to look at Kate, having heard her whisper. Kate could see how Kimberly's shoulders fell down, the tenseness leaving her body almost immediately. It was clear to Kate that Kimberly needed someone to talk to.

-"I'm four weeks pregnant, Kate. I went home and tried to do as last time. Aborting it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It felt like he was there, watching me. You can't tell anyone about this, please," Kimberly begged. Kate could see the pain and worry in her eyes.
-"I'm not going to tell anyone. It's your child and your body, but you should definitely see a doctor soon. Bruce promised he would watch over you, and that's what he's doing. Take a shower and get yourself cleaned up. We'll eat some dinner, and then why don't you and I go for a drive before I leave?" Kate suggested, giving Kimberly a smile. She shut the water off.

-"Okay," Kimberly whispered, staring at herself in the mirror again. She didn't like what she had become. If 6 year old her had seen her now, then the army would have been a last resort for her younger self.
-"Good," Kate said, leaving Kimberly alone. As Kate entered the kitchen, she could feel all eyes on her. "What? Do any of you ever mind your own business?"

Everyone turned back to their own business, except from Johnny. Kate could see the worried look in his eyes, and she knew that he knew as well. She gave him a simple nod, letting him know that all was okay. Johnny seemed relieved as he headed into the living room, minding his own business.

-"Where had she been?" John asked, taking a look at the food he was cooking.
-"The house she grew up in," Kate said, leaving everything else out. If John was to know, it surely should come from Kimberly and no one else.
-"What should I do with her, Kate? She's broken and ruined. She's pretty much at rock bottom. I've never seen her like this," John said, shaking his head in defeat.

-"You shouldn't do anything. Let her control herself and do what she wants to. Continue to give her tasks on your missions, and dare to let her hand go from your grip," Kate said, aware that it wasn't what John wanted to hear.
-"You make it sound so easy," John said, feeling devastated.
-"It's not easy. But she is a grown woman and needs to be treated as one. She's not your child anymore. She's been through too much, so she'll have to figure this out on her own. Let her go, but continue to support her no matter what," Kate said, giving John a sorry smile.

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