Chapter 9.

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Tuesday, 9th of November 2021.

Simon had fallen asleep beside Kimberly in her bed, and he had slept peacefully for the first time in years. He didn't experience any nightmares, didn't wake up sweating or panting. He wasn't horrified. But his peaceful sleep didn't last for long anyway. He got about two hours of sleep before the door was opened, and the slow creaking sound it made was enough to wake him from sleep.

Simon glanced over at the door, seeing Phillip step inside. He had a bag of ice pressed against his bloody forehead, and his eye was red. Simon smirked, laying there calmly. Phillip laid eyes on the Lieutenant, and it seemed like he was rather hesitant in shutting the door. Almost like he didn't want to stay in the room. Like he considered spinning around and leaving.

But Phillip grew a pair of balls and entered the room, walking over to his bed. He sat down, keeping eye contact with the Lieutenant that was holding around his wife.
-"So she wasn't lying, huh?" Phillip asked, wincing in pain. He referred to the comment the girl had said, about her seeing someone else. He had believed that she was lying, but turned out she wasn't.

-"Probably not," Simon said, unaware of what Phillip was talking about. He didn't even care. All he knew was that Kimberly had put down a line to Phillip, and he had stepped over it by miles. "She deserves to be happy, Phillip. And she's not happy with you around. Get your divorce papers signed and leave her be. Raping her won't make her change her opinion."

The Commander scoffed as he collapsed down on the bed, feeling angered that the Lieutenant thought he had a saying in this. Because he didn't.
-"She signed the papers and sent them in when she decided to marry me. This matter is none of your concern. Good night, Lieutenant," Phillip muttered, turning his back towards the room. Simon shook his head as silence arrived. The Lieutenant was now wide awake, aware that he wouldn't be able to sleep more tonight.

Simon laid there in complete silence, aware that neither he nor Kimberly had moved positions these two hours. The girl was silently still grabbing at his clothed chest, her head resting closer to his chin. The Lieutenant felt his free hand move up, barely gracing over her cheek. He felt her cheeks grow round, aware that she was smiling. He pulled his hand back and moved his body, meeting Kimberly's eyes. She seemed tired still, but her eyes weren't as foggy as they had been. She just seemed exhausted.

They laid there quietly, neither speaking. All they heard were Phillip's heavy breaths that soon turned into a rather loud snoring. He had finally fallen asleep.
-"He's fucking stupid and ignorant," Simon whispered, shaking his head. He honestly just wanted to punch him in the face again. "Did he wake you as well?"

-"He did. I wake easily, either from sounds or bad dreams. Why are you doing this for Price? I'm aware you've known him for a long time, but you have to know him rather well," Kimberly said, aware that Simon wouldn't do this for just anyone. She knew he liked his free time to be away from people.

-"Price gave me a shot at becoming who I am. I also had a bad relationship with my father, and I was hunted by people. Just like you. He helped hide my identity and give me a new life. How is it that you know my real name?" Simon asked. He felt disgusted, just thinking back on his father. He had been such an asshole, but he got what he deserved in the end.

-"Years ago I was with Price in his office. I think it was one of the first times you met with him," Kimberly whispered. The memory was faint, as of she met a lot of soldiers in Price's office as a child. But she could only remember one masked soldier. She vaguely remembered that he had recently been shot then as well.
-"That was you? You... Fucking hell," Simon said. Kimberly tried to remember that day, but she only remembered a few tiny details. None of them about herself.

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