Chapter 25.

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Wednesday, 1st of December, 2021.

Laswell entered the room, her eyes landing on Kimberly. The girl was standing on the floor, clutching her chest tightly.
-"I told you to take it easy!" Laswell snapped, storming into the room. She stepped beside the girl, forcing her back to her bed with a helping hand.

-"Hey, I'm not the one who said I'm being shipped to Las Vegas tomorrow!" Kimberly snapped back, rolling her eyes. "If you want me to do this shit, then I'll need to walk like a human being by myself."
-"It wasn't my call, Kimberly. I nor John would ever do this to you, but Shepherd put us in a difficult position here. Either you do your part, or he pulls you off the team. Let's just go through this. Then you can walk until you collapse for all I care," Laswell said, opening her laptop.

-"Well, tell Shepherd to go fuck himself. What are we waiting for? My chest is sore, that's it. The tube's out tomorrow morning, and you told me the hairdresser's coming? I'm not CIA, Kate. I have never gone undercover. I might blow this all up by doing a rookie mistake," Kimberly said, shaking her head. She didn't believe in herself. Not when she was supposed to do it all on her own. She wasn't supposed to go undercover to fish for information. She was supposed to be shooting people, protecting people from evil.

-"You're the best we have, Kim. If anyone can do this, it's you. You'll go undercover as Victoria Williams. You were a British SAS, taken hostage by some people, and betrayed by the army," Laswell said, showing Kimberly the computer screen. There was a picture of her, but with tons of information that wasn't hers. "The army left you to die, and when you returned they tried to kill you."

-"British?" Kimberly muttered, rolling her eyes.
-"Yes. You can pull the accent off, I know that," Laswell said, remembering the times she had been mimicking Price as a child. "They abandoned you on a mission, left you to rot. That's the reason for your scars. Hostage survivor. You escaped on your own."

-"Hold up. Even Uncle Sam wouldn't be stupid enough to believe that shit. One person won't be able to break out. John called Makarov a mastermind. He's not stupid," Kimberly said, crossing her arms.

-"You're absolutely right about that. Even though Kimberly is good, she's no MacGyver," Simon chimed in. Laswell sighed, feeling uncertain. She didn't like this better than any of the others, and she doubted if it would work. It all seemed too rushed for her.

-"I know, but I needed to find a persona that could fit her, and they're few. This is all we have to work with - it's the best I can do. If Makarov finds her file, she'll be killed. You escaped during an ambush, and you had to flee your country a few weeks ago. The army wants you dead because you hold valuable information about that mission, and they expected you to die. You hold a grudge against soldiers. You're smart, witty. Flirty."

-"Me? Flirty? Why?" Kimberly asked, shaking her head.
-"You need to get on his good side. You need for him to trust you enough to share his plans about the missiles. That means you'll have to use every card in the book to obtain that, seeing as you're a girl with advantages," Laswell said, throwing a glance at Simon.

-"No, I am not going to bed with him for you guys. Not happening!" Kimberly snapped, pushing herself to sit in the bed. "That was not a part of the job description when I enlisted. I did not sign up to sleep with a maniac murderer!"

-"I don't know what to say, Kim. Many lives depend on what you decide to do. Makarov killed 30.000 soldiers with one nuclear bomb. He was the reason for your fathers... Nevermind. Imagine what he can do with several missiles. I know you signed up to be a soldier, but it turns out that you've been given a bigger purpose. The Army needs you more than ever. The world needs you," Laswell said, keeping her eyes on the girl. It didn't feel so long ago that Kim was 10, running after John in the halls. She hated the thought of sending Kimberly into something this difficult. It felt like sending her own child to the gutter.

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