Chapter 44.

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Simon stared at Kimberly as she slowly lifted one foot, trying to get off the broken ice. What in reality happened in a split second, felt like a minute for him. The ice under Kimberly completely collapsed and she fell through.

He could hear her screaming his name as she barely managed to keep her head over the water, supporting herself with her elbows. The current was strong, and Simon was shocked to see how powerful it was.
He felt frozen with fear. As if he couldn't do anything. Their recent discussion still sat deeply within him, and the knowledge that she was pregnant had shocked him greatly.

The only thing that was going through his mind was the words his father had spoken. The things that he had done. What scared him was the fact that he didn't know if he would be any different. He didn't know if he would be able to become a better father than his was. He feared that he would be a worse one.

As Simon saw Kimberly's head disappear under the water, her body going further under, he knew he needed to do something. He ripped himself from the frozen state, running towards the river. It was first now he felt worried and scared. Scared that she would be taken by the current, and not found until the ice had melted.

Simon collapsed onto his knees as he reached the river. He crawled towards the hole in the ice, still seeing her hands holding on. He reached into the river, feeling how freezing cold the water was. He grabbed Kimberly's wrists and tugged her against the current, holding tightly onto her. He groaned as he lifted her soaked and heavy body out of the water, dragging her away from the ice.

He could hear her coughing and spitting out water, at the same time as she heaved for air. Simon let go of Kimberly, staring at her. She was soaked, her body trembling with cold. Kimberly hugged around her knees tightly, sitting like a ball. She seemed frozen.

-"Are you okay?" Simon asked, getting down on his knees beside her. He placed his hand on her back, feeling how her entire body was shaking.
Kimberly didn't look at him as she nodded. He could hear how her bottom jaw trembled, her teeth colliding.

-"I'm sorry," Kimberly whispered, shaking her head. "I'll remove it before our next mission."
Simon could see it on her that she didn't want to, and he felt bad for her. Who was he to decide for her? Surely they could come up with an agreement?

-"Don't. Keep it, if that's what you want to. I'm sure we can come to an agreement," Simon said, standing up. He held his hand out, staring at Kimberly. She hesitantly grabbed his hand, letting him hoist her up from the ground. Simon threw his arm over her shoulders, holding her body close to his.

Kimberly stared at the ground as they made their way towards the car. She looked at herself as they approached it, and she knew she couldn't get into the car while soaked in water. She knew John would freak out if she did.
-"Can you check the trunk? John usually keeps a blanket there," Kimberly said, feeling Simon letting go of her.

As he headed behind the car, she unzipped her jacket, sweater and shirt, taking it off. She then got out of her shoes and undressed of her pants. She let everything lay on the ground, not bothering to take it with her. She couldn't feel any difference to the cold with or without clothes.

Simon headed back to her, holding a thick blanket in his hands. He stared at her body as he unrolled the blanket, putting it over her shoulders. He let out a sigh, seeing all the scars on her body that he had forgotten since he saw her body last.

Kimberly headed to the passenger side, settling into the car. She turned the heat on max, grateful that she had not turned the car off. Simon got into the drivers seat, taking a look at her. She seemed so small now that she sat huddled together.

-"Who knows about this?" Simon asked, turning the car around on her old property. He left the area, heading back towards civilization.
-"Kate and Johnny. I don't want anyone else to know yet. Kate offered to adopt the child when it's born, but I don't know if I can do it. You should have seen Johnny's face when we saw the tests. He was so happy. I can't just ruin everything by taking that from him," Kimberly said, biting her bottom lip. She knew her brother wanted a family. And she knew he would be a wonderful uncle.

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