Chapter 23.

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Kimberly made her way up the stairs, listening. The house was quiet, which felt so unreal. The blood was scattered across the walls, bodies littered across the floor. It looked like a massacre, but Kimberly knew that all of these men deserved it. Soulless men who didn't care what happened to other people, as long as they got their money.

Cartel people were assholes, and Kimberly didn't have any kind words for any of them. She was just disappointed that no one had shut them down yet. It was as if the police and military here just let them run around freely.

As she arrived on the second floor, she spotted Ghost leaving the master bedroom. His eyes landed on her, and he just seemed tired of it all. The girl couldn't blame him for it either.
Ghost wanted to put a bandage on the wound in her forehead, but he knew there wasn't time.

-"You don't have a lot of time. Get all the information you can from them," Ghost said, walking past the girl. Kimberly didn't answer him as she headed into the master bedroom, laying eyes on the two men. Juan and Tomas were chained to the pipes crossing the wall, and Kimberly knew they wouldn't get out. She reached up to her earpiece, shutting the microphone off. She didn't want the team to hear her torturing them.

Tomas stared at her with a weak grin, while Juan just stared at the floor. He seemed frightened, and maybe just a bit ashamed. He hadn't changed, that was for sure.
-"Come on, hermosa. You're a good girl, let us go," Tomas said, rattling the chains on his wrists. Kimberly shook her head and grabbed her dagger, walking up to Tomas. She grabbed his cheeks just like he had done to her, and she pressed the dagger against his forehead. She applied pressure as she cut open his skin, doing the same as he had done to her.

Her blood was boiling from remembering every time he had touched her, from every time he had frightened her. He deserved to rot in hell for this. She pulled the dagger back, staring at Tomas.

-"Where is Jorge?" Kimberly asked, staring at the grin on Tomas' face. The man spit on the floor, not caring. The girl rolled her eyes as she reached for one of his hands. She lined the dagger against his fingers, slicing down.

Tomas growled and screamed at Kimberly as she held his finger in front of them, staring at it.
-"Nine more to go. Where is Jorge?" Kimberly asked again, tossing the finger onto the ground. Silence settled between them, the only thing audible being blood dropping on the ground. She sighed as she lined the dagger against another finger, slicing it off as well.

Tomas continued to pant and groan. He tried to hide his pain, but he didn't succeed in it.
-"Let's up the game, then," Kimberly said and reached for the knife in Tomas pocket. She stared at the sharp blade, shrugging for herself. She held the handle tightly as she stepped closer to Tomas, pressing the blade into his stomach without hesitation.

The man gasped as his eyes widened. Kimberly let go of the handle, walking up to Juan. She grabbed his knife as well, staring at the young boy. He was trembling, still staring at the floor. Kim knew he would break soon, that he would talk. But Tomas? He was useless for her. He would rather die than give up his friends.

Kimberly spun back towards Tomas, walking up to him.
-"Ready to talk?"
-"I don't regret laying my hands on you, puta. I'd love to take you again. Weak, pathetic," Tomas snapped, grinning at the girl. Kimberly could see the blood soaking his teeth, and she knew she had penetrated his organs.

-"Why don't you take this instead?" Kimberly asked, forcing Juan's knife as well into his stomach. The man gasped again, writhing in pain. "You don't like soldiers because we refuse to speak. I guess you don't like yourself either then. And it doesn't look like you enjoy being penetrated. Now you know how I felt." She let her eyes go over the man, shaking her head.

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