Chapter 17.

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Sunday, 21st of November, 2021.

Kimberly looked at herself, then back at the dress. It hung nicely from the big bed. She was scared that it wouldn't fit her any longer, or that it would be ugly on her now. She knew it was a stupid thought to worry about, but she couldn't help herself.

The girl had only gotten 3 hours of sleep over the two previous nights. She had refused herself to ask Phillip about this Grace girl, only to keep the silence between them. Today was after all a big day, and she didn't want to ruin it like she had last time. Yet, they had barely spoken since he arrived. He seemed distant, indecisive and uncertain. He looked like what Kimberly had on the day of their first marriage, and it worried her. Would he be the one to leave her at the altar this time? Was it all going to be a big payback?

The door to the big bedroom was knocked upon, and Stephanie stepped inside. She held two glasses of champagne in her hands, settling them down on the desk in front of Kimberly. She sat in a dressing gown since she had just used the shower a few minutes earlier. Her hair was still wet, but she knew Stephanie would deal with it.

The Mayors house was big, and Kimberly had gotten lost already twice this day. She had eventually gotten the layout pinpointed by Dorothy, who seemingly had been here before. At her own wedding. Kimberly thought that it was sweet of Phillip to want to walk in his fathers footsteps, but she knew it wasn't healthy for him. Because he was himself and not his father.

-"I'm thinking that we just blow dry your hair and keep the makeup simple. You're beautiful just the way you are, and I don't want to hide it behind a layer of makeup. I'm sorry that it took ages, but I couldn't find the bar lady anywhere. Phillip really hired a shitty girl who can't do her job," Stephanie said, laughing for herself as she grabbed the hair dryer. She plugged it in and began blowing Kimberly's hair with cold air, combing through it.

-"It's all for you to decide. You're the specialist. What's the bartender's name?" Kimberly asked, staring at herself in the mirror. She studied Stephanie's working hands, worry running through her.
-"I wouldn't call myself a specialist. It's just my hobby, that you should be happy for that I rock at. I don't remember. Her name started with a G, I think. It was short," Stephanie said, not really putting more into the bartender. She didn't know what Kimberly knew.

Kimberly nodded for herself, piecing the pictures together. Maybe that was the reason Phillip had fixed the workers for this day. Because he wanted Grace with him at his wedding. Maybe that's why he rented the Mayor's house, so that they could hide off without anyone seeing. Plenty of excuses in this place for them. Kimberly rolled her eyes by her own imagination, forcing the speculations out of her mind.

-"Did you see John Price anywhere? Or anyone else from my squad? They should have arrived by now," Kimberly said, worried that her teammates would ditch her. She knew it was a stupid thing to worry about, aware that John would never hurt her like that. Sure, he could provide a cold shoulder when disappointed, but he had agreed to walk her down the aisle just yesterday. And he seemed thankful for her asking him.

-"Indeed. They're all here, so stop worrying. Everything will go smooth and perfect," Stephanie said, still blowing the hair. "Your big day."
-"What about Phillip?"
-"Kim, stop worrying. He's in the other bedroom just across the hall, getting dressed and ready, just like you are. Tell me what it was like as a medical trainee," Stephanie said. She didn't really care about the army or what it was like serving, but she knew she had to get Kimberly on other thoughts. It wasn't good for her to worry this much.

-"What it was like? It was a scary, but completing and a thrilling experience. You don't usually have time to think, you just have to act in order to save a life. It was unusual at first, staying behind the front lines. I'm used with being first line of defense, but I had to stay back in order to do my part. I liked it a lot, but it wasn't anything for me in the long run," Kimberly said, her worry slowly but surely vanishing.

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