Chapter 26.

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- This Chapter Contains A Sex Scene, So Read At Your Own Discretion -


Kimberly stared at herself in the mirror, staring at the hairdresser as the woman worked her magic. Her blonde hair was gone. Her hair was strawberry blonde now, and she honestly just felt like it was wrong. It wasn't her, and it definitely didn't feel like her.

The hairdresser was taping in extensions, and Kimberly guessed they were 26" long. She couldn't say the hair colour was ugly on her, but it was unusual. The girl was just staring at herself, trying to feel beautiful with the new hair. But she never really felt beautiful. But she knew it was thanks to her scars and trauma.

Time had passed, but at last the hairdresser finished.
-"Then we're done here. It's all paid for, so you can go proudly around with this gorgeous hair," the woman said, smiling to Kimberly.
-"Okay. Thank you for a job well done," Kimberly said, standing up. She threw a look at herself once more before leaving the room. She wasn't happy.

She had noticed that the red hair made her scars seem lesser, which she liked. They weren't as sharp now as they were, and they definitely didn't show any hints of redness. But she didn't think it was her colour. She preferred blonde or brown. It was easy and simple.

Kimberly made her way up to her and Simon's room, having not been up there yet. Her chest was still sore, and she felt slightly tired. Then again, she had been dead. Her heart had stopped, and her body would feel it while recovering. Being resuscitated didn't help with her pain either. Kimberly entered the main hall as she locked onto the stairs to the dormitories. She was glad that her body was strong enough to get revived, but there was a voice in the back of her head saying that she should have stayed dead.

It was the voice of her father, and it was there all thanks to what she had seen in her final moments. When she had stared at the white light that warmed her. Instead, she had headed towards the dark one. The cold and chilling. The darkness that led back to a chilly life - leaving her with the feeling that something was missing. She knew something was missing, but she couldn't put words on what it was. There was just a dark and empty place in her chest - and not thanks to the pain.

Kimberly headed up the stairs, walking up to the room. She opened the door and stepped inside, looking around. She could see that their beds had been made, the room cleaned. She shut the door as she made way to her bed, settling down. She stared out into the open air, not really too sure about the upcoming mission.

She was glad that Simon was joining, but she didn't know how to feel. It felt wrong to know that she would have to be kind to a murderer, but it had been assigned to her. It was a task she couldn't fail. Everyone relied on her for this. The pressure weighted heavily on her back, making her doubt herself.

Kimberly sat in her own thoughts for quite some time, until the door was opened. She laid eyes on John, who gave her a warm smile. He put two suitcases down on the floor, nodding for himself.

-"This one is yours, that's Simon's. Everything you need is packed in here, so you're ready to go. You look lovely," John said, enjoying the new colour on Kimberly. It made her seem more alive, not so pale.

-"Really? I don't think it suits me that much. It might just be because it's new. How long are we staying there for?" Kimberly asked, hugging herself.
-"For three weeks. That means you'll be home just in time for Christmas, with me and the team. You're coming home to celebrate with me. All of you," John said, smiling proudly.

-"Did you upgrade your house or something? You won't have space for everyone," Kimberly said, shaking her head.
-"I've built it out, yes. I'm thinking that you and Simon will share one bedroom. Laswell will be going home to her wife after the dinner. Johnny can take the couch on the second floor. Phillip can take the couch downstairs. Kyle can have the guest bedroom. There is space for everyone."

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