Chapter 4.

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The room was silent as Kimberly came back to herself. She let out a groan as she rolled onto her side, having a feeling of fire raging in her chest.
She opened her eyes and looked around, seeing a bucket and a bottle of water beside her on the floor. She pushed herself into a sitting position, her eyes landing on the Lieutenant. He sat in the corner of the room, his eyes peeking through some holes and cracks in the old wooden planks.

Kimberly let her eyes travel around the house, finding it old and dilapidated. The wood had gone rotten several places and some pieces of the roof had collapsed down.
-"This the best you could find? I'm impressed, truly," Kimberly muttered, rubbing her face. She felt utterly tired and sick. Most likely from being drugged. She grabbed the bottle of water, taking a few sips.

-"Price told everyone about this house before we moved out. In case we would need to split up from an ambush. We'll be staying here until the others arrive. It shouldn't be too long."

Kimberly glared at her Lieutenant as he continued to stare out of the cracks in the wood. He didn't seem like he wanted to have anything to do with her. Not that she blamed him.
-"Didn't mean to call you Simon back there. It just... slipped out. Thank you for not leaving."

There was silence, and Kimberly felt like she had said something wrong. She sighed as she pushed her feet closer to herself, sitting crosslegged. Her stomach was hurting, but she knew that she couldn't do much about it.

-"I could gladly have left you at the safe-house to die. I'm not helping you as a teammate or a friend. My mission was to bring one person back, alive. You're my mission. Once you're dropped off at base, you're going home."

-"I'm surprised Price didn't tell you. I'm joining Task Force 141," Kimberly said. His words had reached into her, and she honestly felt hurt. She had not expected to be disliked this much. But to her comfort, he didn't seem to like anyone. Still, it didn't make sense to her why his words hurt. She didn't even know him.
-"You're too weak to be a soldier, and you're clearly too traumatised. You're a danger to the people around you. There is no way you have a future here among us," Ghost said. Kimberly opened her mouth to snap at him, but she shut it.

She evaluated his words, fully aware that he was right. She shook her head and put the bottle back down, getting up on her feet. The Lieutenant threw a glance at her, but she didn't care.
-"Where do you think you're going?"

Kimberly ignored Ghost as she made her way towards the door, pushing her way through it and outside. She felt a few drops of rain hit her face, and her frown immediately turned into a smile. She snorted air out of her nose, which soon turned into a genuine laughter.

The drops of rain multiplied and soon it was pouring down. She heard the door open behind her, but she didn't care. She had not felt rain for so long. Right now, it was a luxury to her.
-"If you don't care, then just go back inside and let me enjoy this moment, Lieutenant," Kimberly said without turning towards him.
-"Negative. Just following orders."

Kimberly scoffed and shook her head, ignoring the Lieutenant behind her. She focused on the rain, feeling her clothes getting soaked. She had to wonder what he had been told exactly.

Kimberly ripped her thoughts away from the rain and towards the two people jogging from out of the forest. She needed only to throw one glance to see who it was. But the sight was not a nice one. She charged down towards Soap and Gaz as quick as her feet allowed. Her brother was leaning onto the boy, his left arm full of blood. He had been shot as well. Gaz was also full of blood, but she couldn't see a wound.
-"Shit! What happened?" Kimberly asked, looking at them. Gaz was exhausted, so Kimberly took over. She took Gaz's place, taking on Soap's weight as he leaned onto her. She could feel the Lieutenant's stare at her as she placed a hand on Soap's chest.

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