Chapter 34.

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Kimberly pushed the door open slowly, holding her Glock up. She was ready to fire, but this room was just as empty as the rest that they had checked. She let out a frustrated groan as she closed the door.

-"What is the point of this big fucking basement if they're not using it for anything?" Kimberly whined, feeling like an hour had gone by. They had searched too many rooms to count, and she knew they were far away from Phillip by now. This basement was a tunnel stretching wide underground.

-"It's so people won't find them or things that they need hidden. This is where I lost the rest of the team, so stay close to me," Price ordered. Kimberly obeyed him, walking a few feet behind him. By now Kimberlys eyes had gotten adjusted to the dim red light, but it made it difficult for them to see anything moving in the shadows.

-"You actually know where we're going?" Kimberly asked, feeling slightly doubtful. Why would they hide anyone this far underground? It seemed more tiring than useful.
-"Yeah, we should be close. Keep close and stay quiet," Price said, throwing a glance over his shoulder. Kimberly was still behind him, her eyes moving around.

As they finally approached the end, Kimberly noticed one old wooden door. She felt goosebumps running up her spine and out on her arms. She thought back to the basement cell she had been stuck in, aware that the cartel people could have been brutal with her teammates.

Kimberly hurried up to the door, grabbing the handle. She gained a nod from Price who stood ready with his loaded shotgun. Kimberly tried to open the door, but it was locked.
-"Move," Price said, stepping closer to the door. He aimed and fired off the shotgun. He destroyed the lock, making it easy to kick the door open. He kicked it open and ran inside. Kimberly followed hot in his heels, preparing for the worst.

The room was completely dark, but she could hear some heavy breathing. She reached for the flashlight that laid in one of the pockets in her backpack. She turned it on and lit up the room. The air was damp and heavy.
-"Soap, Ghost... Gaz," Kimberly whispered, lighting up the rest of the room. "Where's Vargas?"

-"She took him," Soap said harshly, sweat dripping off his face. It was first now that Kimberly felt how thick the air was, and the goosebumps came back. She shook it off, making her way up to her brother.
-"They're chained down. She?" Kimberly said, walking up to Price. She handed him the flashlight, grabbing the shotgun out of his hands. She walked up to Soap, aiming at the handcuffs in between his hands. "This might sting."

She fired off the shotgun, staring at the handcuffs as the chains in the middle fell off.
-"Yeah, El Sin Nombre. Seemed like they had some history we don't know of," Soap said.
Kimberly walked up to Ghost, repeating her actions. She then headed to Gaz, but as Price lit him up, Kimberly worried.

The boy was pale, sweat dripping off of him. His eyes seemed distant, his breath heavy. Kimberly placed her hand on his forehead, and he was burning up.
-"Did they cut or shoot him anywhere? He's burning up with a fever," Kimberly said. She fired the shotgun once more, freeing Gaz as well. She handed the shotgun back to Price.

-"They cut him in his back, pretty deep. Why?" Ghost said. Everyone stared at Kimberly as she grabbed the hem of Gaz' jacket, lifting it up. Price lit his back up, and Kimberly groaned.
-"His veins are discolored. He has one hell of an infection. We need to get him on antibiotics as soon as possible, before he gets blood poisoning. Price, help him out," Kimberly ordered.

Price helped Gaz up on his feet, holding the soldier tightly.
-"Are you two okay?" Kimberly asked, leaving the room.
-"Yeah, sis," Soap said, grabbing two backpacks that laid on the other side of the room. He handed the other one to Ghost.
-"Good. Let's get the hell out of here," Kimberly said. She led way and the others followed her.

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