Chapter 8.

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Kimberly and Phillip exited the cab, stopping in front of the bar. It was quiet outside, and it seemed like they had arrived just a bit earlier than people most. But Kimberly didn't care. The bar was open, and perhaps that would help with her showing her face to the outside. If there were few people, then they wouldn't mind themselves about her sitting there.

-"You sure you're still on board with this? Christmas is coming up in less than two months. We can wait until then," Phillip said, having a look at the woman. He didn't want her to feel forced.
-"I'm more than just on board with this. Come on, I'm drinking my sorrows away," Kimberly said, walking towards the door. She opened it, stepping aside. "Ladies first."

-"Haha, hilarious. Didn't know you had become such a gentleman," Philip said with a smile and walked into the bar. Kimberly snickered as she followed him, looking around. A low music was playing, and there were a few people scattered around. "You should find a spot. Eager on a whiskey or a vodka?"

-"Surprise me, since you're paying," Kimberly said with a grin. She walked over to a corner in the bar, settling down on the couch. She took her jacket off, placing it beside herself. The girl looked down at her ring, wondering when she should give it back. She knew for sure that their time together was over and done as a couple.

A few minutes went by, and then Phillip came back with two glasses. He put one of them down in front of Kimberly, settling down beside her. She grabbed the glass, taking a sip of it.
-"Vodka, huh? Starting hard," Kimberly muttered, chugging the glass down in the next sip. She made a grimace as she felt the drink burn in her throat. She shivered quickly.

-"You are certainly starting hard, I see. I don't want to have to carry you home. Another one?" Phillip asked, staring at the empty glass in front of the girl. Kimberly turned towards him, nodding her head. The man chuckled as he got back up, leaving her alone once again.

Kimberly studied his back as he disappeared, and once she couldn't see him, she reached for his glass. She took a sip from it as well, feeling disgusted. Red wine. She shrugged for herself as she took a new sip, then another. This drink was disgusting compared to hers, but it didn't matter. It was alcohol no matter the taste. She just wanted to see if she could forget the last few years of her life, at least for a night.

Phillip returned once more with a new glass of vodka, and once he saw his glass empty, he scoffed. The man shook his head, then went on to laughing.
-"Really? I'm just going to buy several drinks. Good god, girl," Phillip said, leaving once more. Kimberly laughed for herself as she grabbed the third glass, but this one didn't go down as easy.

Some time went by until Phillip returned empty-handed. He settled down beside the girl, turning slightly towards her.
-"Tell me, how are you doing?" Phillip asked, leaning his arm on the backrest behind Kimberly, careful not to touch her.

-"Shitty," Kimberly said, drinking more from her glass. She then turned towards Phillip. "I'm back to life as if nothing happened. The two assholes that raped me are still running around freely, the guy who ordered for me to be held captive is still running around. I should be happy that I've met my brother and all, but you're back and I can't... I don't understand it. Perhaps my life is supposed to be a living hell." The girl rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

-"Don't worry, gorgeous. I know you hate me and you should definitely hate me with all of your pure heart. I'm just trying to get on somewhat good terms, so that you don't shoot me in the back on our next mission," Phillip said and rubbed the stubble on his chin.
-"Oh I might just do that nonetheless. Widow myself the easy way," Kimberly said and laughed before chugging the rest of the glass.

-"Please don't. I'm buying you drinks to make sure I at least live through the night," Phillip said. One of the workers approached them with a plate in their hands. The woman settled down several glasses with different drinks and shots, and a bowl of peanuts.
-"You'll survive the night. Thank you," Kimberly said and smiled towards the worker. "Thank you." She smiled back as she grabbed the empty glasses before returning to the bar.

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