Chapter 3.

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The day passed and nothing seemed to happen. Soap and Gaz stayed for a long time in the forest, and they had not come back yet. Price and Alejandro had also left for a while to scout, but they had promised to be back very soon.

The only two remaining at the house were Kimberly and Ghost, but they were each to their own. Ghost had disappeared behind the safe-house, while Kimberly still sat at the stairs. Her eyes had been stuck on the forest line all day, waiting patiently for her brother to return back. He had been gone for five hours, and worry had filled her up several times, but she remained calm. She just wanted to know that he was safe. Fully aware of what the cartel's people were capable of doing, she didn't want him out there.

The sun had fallen below the ground and shadows had begun casting themselves over the landscape. The girl picked up the sounds of footsteps and voices from down the forest. Kimberly smiled as she stood up, but something felt wrong.
The footsteps were cautious, the voices quietened down. These people weren't American, but sounded Mexican. This was the cartel's men. Had to be.

-"There! It's the girl!"
Kimberly spun around as she heard a gunshot, running for the door. The bullet flew into the door frame, missing her by some centimetres. Kimberly screamed as she shut the door, running to the back of the house. She threw herself down on the hard floor. She covered her head, hearing more bullets getting fired off.

There was a lot of wooden pieces flying around inside the house, the bullets flying wildly and rapidly. Kimberly crawled over to the closest bag, which was hers. She ripped it open and glared inside, but then she remembered.
-"Fuck!" Kimberly shouted, seeing that the bag was empty. They grabbed her guns earlier. She didn't have anything to help herself with. Kimberly looked around with huge eyes, her breath heavy. "I am not dying today! What should I do?"

The bullets died down, and Kimberly looked around. Suddenly the backdoor flew open by a powerful kick. Kimberly was prepared to see death in the eyes, but it wasn't. Ghost glared at her as he got down on his knees. He stared at the several hundred bullet holes in the wall behind Kimberly. He was now fully aware that these people were not playing around.

-"Biscuit, I need you to crawl over here," Ghost ordered, expecting a new round of bullets to come flying any second. Kimberly got up on her feet and began running. "Crawl, Sergeant! Don't get up!"
Kimberly listened to Ghost's commanding voice, and she immediately laid back down, dragging her weak body across the floor. There was a shout from the outside, and the bullets came raining once more.

Kimberly gritted her teeth as she pushed herself forwards, reaching Ghost. The Lieutenant reached forwards, grabbing a hold of her clothed shoulder. Ghost dragged Kimberly out of the house, getting her out onto the grass.
-"You got anything of value?" Ghost asked, still holding onto her shoulder as they were crouched down.
-"In the house? No."
-"Then let's go. Stay close."

Kimberly nodded as Ghost got up, and she followed his lead. The man held tightly onto his Scar-H as he charged down into the forest, in the other direction of that Soap and Gaz had left. Kimberly groaned as she tried her best to keep up with the Lieutenant, but he was clearly in a much better shape than her. Out of nowhere a bullet landed a few meters above their heads.

Kimberly let out a frightened cry as she turned around to take a look. The forest had gotten real dark by now and the girl couldn't see anyone. She couldn't even see the house. Suddenly her run came to a complete stop as she ran into something firm. It startled her and she collapsed on the ground, looking up. Ghost simply stared at her like she was an idiot. His eyes were disapproving.
-"I-I'm so, so sorry Lieutenant! I-I didn't-."
-"Get behind the tree, now. They have night vision goggles, I've only got my scope. Catch your breath, we'll have to run soon," Ghost said, raising his assault rifle.

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