Chapter 12.

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Wednesday, 10th of November, 2021.

Kimberly laid in her bed, staring up at the roof. It had been quiet the entire evening and night, having had Phillip moved out of the room. She had been down to breakfast, but now she was just waiting for her appointment with her shrink. Kimberly was hoping that this would be her last appointment, wanting to start training with weapons. If they wanted her to be their sniper, she would need practice to get back at it. And it would be something she needed time to do.

A soft knock on the door was heard and the girl didn't bother to get up.
-"Come on in," Kimberly said, glaring at the door. The door opened, and John stepped inside with his bags.
-"It appears that I'm your new roommate," Price said as he shut the door. He placed the bags under the bed, settling down in the newly changed and made bed.

-"Cool. Roomies with the dad," Kimberly said with a smile.
-"Someone's in a good mood. You just happy about getting Phillip out, or?" John asked, leaning forward. He stared at the girl, aware that it was more. She legitimately looked happy for the first time in a long time.

-"I'm grateful Phillip's out, but I... There is more. Simon, he makes me... peaceful. Happy. You should have seen us yesterday!" Kimberly said, smiling for herself. John could see the joy on her face and in her eyes, and it felt unreal to see her like this. It felt like a dream. Because he had never seen Kimberly so happy before. And it worried him. Was she getting too attached?

-"I did see the both of you yesterday. Both me and Shepherd, from his office. Gave us quite the laugh. I've never seen either of you like that. Never. It's good. You deserve it," John said. "I talked about some things with Shepherd." Kimberly threw the blanket off of herself, getting up from her bed. She stood up and headed to the closet, grabbing a sweater. "Your shoulders are bruised."

-"Oh, I know. I got pressed against the goddamn asphalt, by my Lieutenant who weighs at least twice as much as me at this point. But it was worth it. It was fun as hell! That is the sort of training I miss," Kimberly said, getting the sweater on. She turned towards John, waiting for him to talk.

-"I've honoured you with the nickname Phoenix, which Shepherd approved. You know why. Loyalty and such. He wants you to start training with a sniper on Monday with your brother. Then on Monday the 22nd you will be performing heliborne training with König to learn your place in the air. He's going to go through two full three-week-long physical and psychological training with you in one week, and 14 weeks of shooting training in a couple of days. They only have an 8% pass rate on that training, so you better put all things aside and focus. It's important that you give all you have until König arrives, getting yourself up and running. These next weeks will be like hell, but you can ask anyone if they want to join in on the training for support."

Kimberly scoffed for herself, settling down beside Price.
-"If you tell me there's a hell week after that, then I'm more or less giving up already now. Hell days I can do, Price, but not a week. Not again."
-"We dropped their hell week, as of you can't perform it. Just... I know you can be stubborn, but be trustful and respectful with König, and all will be fine. You've got this. Remember you're not there to pass, just learn. You've got this," John said, patting her shoulder.

-"I got this, yeah. How do you think it's going to go in room 100 now?" Kimberly asked, leaning her head against John's shoulder.
-"Simon Riley and Phillip Graves are both grown ups, Kimberly. There is no reason for them to get into a conflict, as of they have no history together. I'm not worried about them, and now I'll worry less about you too. I'm wondering, would you like to visit your father's grave on Sunday?"

Kimberly shook her head, feeling uncertain.
-"I've never visited his grave, John. Even after 7 years, I can't bring myself to do it. He hurt me so much, even though he was my father. He doesn't deserve a visit."

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