Chapter 24.

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Tuesday, 30th of November, 2021.

After Price had heard Kimberly tell König to go to Arizona, he got their pilot to go there as well. They had arrived there in good time before Phillip and König, so Price had made his way to Mia, updating her on the two incoming traumas.

Mia was preparing an operation room, while Price was pacing back and forth, his hands tucked behind his back. The noises Kimberly made while choking still sat deeply within him, replaying themselves over and over in his head. It terrified him, because he had no idea if she even was alive still. He just heard her cries that eventually had come to a stop.

As he could spot the incoming helicopter in the sky, he stopped his pacing. He kept his eyes on it at all times, not wanting throw away even one second. He couldn't afford it, and neither could his soldiers.
-"I'll take Phoenix, you'll help König with Ghost. We don't know his injuries, so be careful. Are you ready?" Price asked, barely throwing a glance at Soap.

A few more minutes passed before the helicopter landed in front of them. Price and Soap ran up to the doors, staring at König as he opened it. Price ran inside, his eyes landing on a pool of blood. He ran to Kimberly, picking her up from the ground. He jumped out of the helicopter with a tight grip around the girl, running towards the base.

His eyes moved down upon her face, and he felt so tired and disappointed. Not in her, but himself. Her chin was covered in blood, her face pale. She was completely limp, her skin cold. She didn't even seem to be breathing. The only word that Price could think of was death. She was dead.

Price ran into the base and made way to the infirmary, barely being able to wait for the automatic glass doors. As they opened, he ran through and found Mia. The woman only needed to look at Kimberly to know what she was dealing with.

-"Get her in that room, on the bed. Take off her vest, jacket, shirt and bra. Everything off!" Mia ordered, pointing to a room. Price did as ordered, not wasting a second. He put the girl down on the bed, ripping her vest open. He grabbed the dagger from her pants, cutting open the jacket and shirt, ripping them off of her. He hesitated slightly as he came to Kimberly's bra, but it didn't matter.

He could hear Mia's voice in the hallway as she approached.

-"We'll need a crash cart in here!" Mia rushed to Kimberly, holding a scalpel in her hands. "You might want to leave the room." She glanced at Kim's palms, but she couldn't see any writing. She was going in blind.
-"No, I'll stay here," Price said, taking some steps back so that the nurses and doctors could work. He stared at Mia as she grabbed Kimberly's collarbone, counting the ribs down. She then positioned the scalpel on her side, cutting down and slicing up. She then grabbed what seemed like a tube, but Price didn't know for sure. This wasn't his specialty and he didn't want to pretend that it was.

Mia forced the tube in between Kimberly's ribcage, pushing the tube through her lung. Price stared at the blood that pooled onto the floor, and he immediately felt sick. Mia then hooked Kimberly up to a machine, the screen showing a flatline. A woman rushed inside with the requested crash cart, and Mia grabbed the paddles.
-"Charge to 200," Mia said, placing the paddles on Kimberly's chest. "Clear."

The first shock of lightning made Kimberly's body jolt against the gurney, showing one spark on the monitor. Price was praying and begging for Kimberly deeply inside, hugging himself. He didn't notice how white this tightened knuckles had become.
-"Again. Clear!"

Kimberly's body jolted again, but she still showed a flatline. Mia put the paddles down, starting chest compressions. More blood fell out of the tube, coating the girls pants and shoes in blood. Blood also fell out of Kim's mouth, and it was frightening for Price to look at. But he wanted to be there in case they didn't get her back. He wanted time to grieve her alone, because this wasn't just a soldier. This was his baby girl that he loved and cherished as his own. This would be the loss of his beloved daughter. Price felt his bottom lip tremble as he ran his hands through his hair.

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