Chapter 11.

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<< Kimberly's eyes were round. She felt her heartbeat rise through the sky. He was walking determinedly towards her, tossing his belt onto the counter, ripping off his jacket.
-"When were you going to tell me?" Phillip asked, leaning onto the marble counter, staring at the girl with disapproving eyes.

-"You know Price celebrates Christmas all alone, a-and that I hate Christmas. I... Maybe it would be better for everyone if he gets to celebrate with us," Kimberly said, hugging herself. She seemed nervous, because she was. She felt like pissing herself. It was so easy to see the disappointment on his face.
-"Is that your way of saying that I can't take care of my coming wife? That you need Price here to be able to celebrate Christmas? That I'm not... not good enough for you?" Phillip asked, his facial expression not changing. He looked still just as pissed.

-"N-No, of course not," Kimberly whispered, looking away from Phillip. She didn't expect him to take it so badly.
-"Look at me when we're talking!" Phillip shouted, forcing his fist into the counter. Kimberly yelped and jumped in her place. She forced herself to look at Phillip, but she couldn't help but cry. "You don't need Price. You have me. We're going to get married after my next mission, and you won't ever have to worry about anything. Okay? You'll cancel Price's invitation and tell him that you don't want him here. I want you all to myself on our first Christmas together."

-"I would never. It's one dinner, Phillip. And John needs-."
-"Shut up," Phillip said calmly, making his way up to the girl. Kimberly stumbled back against the counter, wanting to get further away from him. But she was cornered with no way out. Phillip clicked his tongue, shaking his head disapprovingly. "This is the first time you and I have been able to celebrate any type of holiday together. Are you going to ruin my holiday because of your distrust in me?"

-"I do trust you! I just... I want Price here with us. For his sake," Kimberly said, biting her bottom lip nervously as Phillip stepped even closer, his hand grabbing her jaw softly. Phillip leaned closer to the girl, whispering in her ear.
-"If you want Price here during Christmas, you better fucking make it up for me. I've been gone for some weeks now, and I need you. Badly." He tightened his grip on her jaw, feeling her muscles tremble. Kimberly felt disgusted as Phillip pressed his body against her, feeling his hardened member press against her.

-"I-I don't want to," Kimberly whispered, aware that it was the wrong answer. And Phillip never took a no for a no. His grip on her jaw tightened even more, and he forced her head closer to him, only to force it harder back against the row of cabinets. The girl cried out, grabbing his wrist because of the blow.

-"You always defy my every word!" Phillip said, forcing her head back against the cabinets again. The pain just grew. "Like a little fucking slut!" He forced her head against the cabinet a third time, only to let go of her jaw. Kimberly cried out as she collapsed onto the floor, laying on her stomach thanks to the dizziness. She was crying, her bottom lip quivering as she saw double for a minute. Kimberly tightened her fists, but she didn't get back up. In that second she was brought back to when she was a child. She would have stood up against her father, but not Phillip. She couldn't, because she loved him too much.

Phillip bent down and put his weight on his knees, grabbing a hold of Kimberly's hair. He forced her head up to look at him, and he didn't seem pleased at all.
-"I've had a long mission, baby. Let me enjoy myself tonight and I'll be fine with having Price over this Christmas. What do you say, hm?" Phillip said, smiling down at her.
-"Y-Yes," Kimberly whispered, fully aware that he wouldn't give her a choice at all.
-"Attagirl," Phillip said, letting go of her hair. "Give me 15 minutes." He got back up, leaving the girl on the floor without looking back at her.

Kimberly sobbed quietly for herself, laying there as she heard the bathroom door.
-"16 weeks til Christmas. 18 til our wedding. I need a way out, and that soon," Kimberly whispered, shaking her head. >>

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