Chapter 35.

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Saturday, 18th of December, 2021.

Kimberly woke from her sleep as she felt a hand push against her. She hurriedly sat up and switched channels on her mufflers. She let out a sigh as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, looking around.

-"We'll need to go through the plan now," Laswell said, getting up from the floor. She headed towards her seat, grabbing her laptop and opening it. Kimberly got up as well, settling down beside Laswell.

-"Listen up. We're breaking into a pretty big warehouse where the first missile should be. We're low on numbers and weapons, so there's no room for switch ups. Gaz is staying in the helicopter throughout the mission. He's in no state to fight," Kate said, in which they looked at Gaz. He laid sleeping on the seats, completely knocked out by the meds he had been given. No one could make contact with him.

-"I and Ghost will be snipers for this mission. We'll be Ground Team Zero. We'll stay in the back and try to clear your path and help you out. König and Kimberly is Ground Team One, you'll make your way to the warehouse from the east side and clear out the remaining people and look for Alejandro. We have all reason to believe that he is in there with El Sin Nombre. If you manage to capture her, then do so. If not, kill her on sight. Price, Graves and Soap, Ground Team Two will enter from west side and prioritise finding the missile and disarming it. Price will watch Graves and Soaps backs as they disarm the missile. I'm leading my team, Kimberly leads hers and Price leads his," Kate said, looking at the teams. She was happy with her lineup and decisions, figuring this would be the best opportunity for them to succeed.

-"Team zero will take the snipers, team one needs firearms. You'll take the machine gun and assault rifle. Team two will take the shotgun, the sub machine gun and handgun. Any questions? No?"

Kimberly looked at her teammates, seeing that they were all thinking. She didn't bother to think too much about it. She was going to find Alejandro with König. She had been assigned the easy task.
-"They know we're looking for the missile. We need as many as we can get on Ground Team Two. Team One should consist of one," Johnny said, laying eyes on his sister. He knew they would be fine the three of them, but he wanted to keep Kimberly close. If she was there with him, then he would feel much more at ease.

-"Very well. König, you're on Ground Team Two. Kimberly, you'll be on your own. There's not enough night vision goggles, so one on Team Two will have to go in rather blind," Kate said, looking at them.
-"I can go without the goggles," König said, aware that he was better trained for this than any of them.

-"Kimberly shouldn't go alone," Price said, crossing his arms. He shot the girl a worried look.
-"Either I or Ghost can go with her, but you'll need two pair of eyes looking over you from afar. We'll be short on one team no matter how we plan this," Kate said, casting a glance at Gaz. She could easily see that he was out of the picture. They wouldn't even be able to wake him now and even if they managed to do so, then he would never be able to fight. Even a drunk man would have been of more help.

-"I can do this on my own. How hard can it be to look for Vargas alone? They'll prioritise to keep the missile safe and operative, so don't worry about me. If anyone should enter on the east side, Team Zero will let me know before anyone can find me. I'm tiny, so I'll be able to hide before they reach me. There's nothing to worry about. But I'm taking the assault rifle," Kimberly said, grabbing the M4 carbine.

-"Very well. Ghost, you'll prioritise to cover the west side and Team Two. I'll cover east side and keep an eye out for Kimberly. Any questions or complaints?" Kate asked, grabbing her sniper rifle. "Very well. Get ready, we're landing in a couple of minutes. Kill everyone on sight, remember that!"

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