Chapter 13.

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Kimberly left up to the dormitories after sitting in the cafeteria for some time, thinking about what she had decided to do. She couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong with Simon, but she could only imagine that he was disappointed in her. Nonetheless, this was her life and her choice. But she couldn't understand why he would care.

She wouldn't really try and find another love because of her work. And if Phillip was all she got, then she could at least try and fight for it, but only as long as he did. She had agreed to marry him at one point in her life, but things were different then. In the end she had been pregnant and he had been through a lot thanks to his work. Things had settled since then, and maybe, just maybe they could work it out now.

Kimberly had been standing outside room 100 for at least five minutes, afraid to knock on the door. She didn't know what to say to him, how to act or what to do. She still hated him with every fibre in her body, but she knew what forgiveness was and meant. It was the one thing her mother had taught her before Bruce had stolen her over to America.

-"Fuck it," Kimberly whispered, throwing her fist at the door. She knocked on it a couple of times before stepping back, crossing her arms. She waited some seconds before the door opened, Phillip staring at her. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for the girl to speak. Kimberly stared at his black eye that was still bad, but the blue had begun clearing out, yellow bruises appearing. The cut in his forehead had been washed and it seemed like it would heal nicely. She felt bad for him, but had to remind herself that he deserved it.

-"I need to talk to you," Kimberly said with a little urgency. She was stressed about his answer and she was frightened. She didn't know what would be the better answer to get, yes or no.
-"As long as Simon or John doesn't run in and punch me in the face. Come in," Phillip said, making space for Kimberly to pass. She walked into the room. Phillip could see it on her body language that she was nervous.

-"Sit down, please?" Kimberly said, pointing towards his bed.
-"Okay, but don't you pass out on me here. Did you see a ghost wander the halls? You're pale. If you're sick I can get Price and-."
-"Just sit down, shut up and listen to me," Kimberly said, staring at Phillip as he settled down on his bed. She settled down beside him, entangling her fingers.

The Commander furrowed his brows, ignoring the pain from his forehead. He raised his hand and was about to put it on Kimberly's back, but he stopped himself. The girl had been very clear with him, so he didn't take the chance to comfort her. Kimberly inhaled air as she leaned back against the wall, having a look at Phillip.

-"I'm going to give you a new chance, if you want that. I honestly don't know what to say or how to say it. I fell in love with you, and you failed me," Kimberly said, looking away.
-"But Kimberly, you never bothered to explain it to me before. You just walked away from me and gave me this false answer. Why should I trust you this time? And you're in love with your Lieutenant," Phillip said, crossing his arms.

-"Shut up and let me explain. You abused me, were rough with me. Never listened to me. You forced me to run from you, because you weren't kind to me. I'm not in love with Ghost, but I like him. You are the man I love, and therefore I'll give you your final chance. If you force yourself on me just once, we're over," Kimberly said, letting out a sigh. She felt a warm hand over hers, and she looked over at Phillip. He smiled warmly towards her.

-"Then I can give you the present I was supposed to give you before you ran," Phillip said, getting up from the bed. "We'll take everything in your pace and you'll be the boss this time. I never expected to hear those words from you," Phillip said, making his way towards the closet. He opened it and reached up to the back of the closet. He dragged out two gifts, staring at the both of them. "This one first. I bought it last week."

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