Chapter 14.

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Monday, 15th of November, 2021.

Kimberly sat at the bench outside the main doors. She had been sitting there for an hour, waiting for her brother to arrive. His plane had landed on the airport over than an hour ago, but she didn't know if traffic had been bad. John and Simon had driven to the airport to pick him up, but Kimberly had stayed behind.

Both John and Simon had given her a cold shoulder the entire end of the week, both acting really disappointed in her choice. She couldn't blame either of them, aware that she had gone back to a person who had done more harm than good. But he had been really kind to her. Phillip was currently in the city, fixing a few things for himself and Kimberly. He would have to leave to fix some things with his company as well, but he wouldn't leave until tomorrow.

She didn't pay too much attention to it. She was just glad to have gotten her life back after being presumed dead. The only thing she thought about in this moment was the fact that it would be very long days from now on.

Today she had worked through a training session at 5 a.m, eaten breakfast at 7 a.m and now she was just waiting. The moment her brother returned, he would be able to settle down and arrange his things. Then she and him would find a sniper rifle suitable for her. Then they would just train at shooting some hours. Let her get accustomed with the weapon. After that, she had heard about a paint-ball game taking place out up in the woods. Her squad against another.

Kimberly already knew what sort of sniper she would go for. The same one that she had always used. The Barrett M82. It was the best rifle she had ever used, but she knew she would have to use it differently this time. She wouldn't be able to lay on the ground and stay in place. They would be moving around up in the air. It made her insecure, but she pushed the worry aside. Worst case scenario, she would need more training. As long as she could prove to this König that she was worth his time, she would be fine.

She glared down on her ring, letting out a sigh. She could feel that the wind had gotten colder over the past few days, which could only mean one thing. Winter was coming. And she absolutely hated the winter. With all her heart. She only hoped that they wouldn't be surprised or bothered with any heavy snow, but she knew how fast the weather could and would change there.

The girl who sat in her own thoughts was dragged back as she heard the engine of a car pull up. The security let them past the gate and the car stopped some feet outside the front doors. Kimberly's eyes met John's through the front windshield. She didn't smile and neither did the Captain. It honestly seemed like they had never met before, and it pissed her off. They weren't strangers, so why the hell did they act like strangers?

The back door opened and Johnny stepped out. He dragged a suitcase with him out, dragging it with him towards the main doors. Kimberly studied her brother as he approached, seeing a smile spread on his face. Kimberly laughed as she got up from the bench, running towards him. Johnny chuckled as he put his suitcase down, preparing himself to grab the girl.

Kimberly ran into Johnny's arms, burying herself into the crook of her brother's neck. Johnny lifted her off the ground for a second, hugging her tightly.
-"God, I've missed you!" Kimberly said, pulling away.
-"You too, sister. Now, what did you shove up Price's ass? I've never seen him this pissed," Johnny said, grabbing his suitcase. He grabbed Kimberly's hand with his other hand, guiding her with him to the building.

-"I decided to give my husband a new chance, instead of giving up on us," Kimberly informed, getting prepared for her brother to scold her, but he didn't.
-"Oh, okay. That's usually what adults do. Try and work through it. Price probably knows more about this matter than I do, but I think that's good of you. You've gained weight," Johnny said, studying his sister. Kimberly smiled proudly.

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