Chapter 40.

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Kimberly grabbed the glass from the table, laughing for herself. She poured herself another shot before putting the bottle back on the table.
-"Take a shot if... you have a tattoo," Kimberly said, staring at the others around the table. Simon, König, Johnny and Kate grabbed their glasses, shotting the tequila.

-"No way! Where's your tattoo, Kate?" Kimberly asked, grinning for herself. Kate stood up from the couch, turning her back towards them. She lifted her shirt, showing her tramp stamp to them. Kimberly laughed loudly, having never seen the tattoo before.
-"I got it years ago. My first and last," Kate said, pouring a new glass before sitting back down.

-"Take a shot if you've ever had a parking ticket," Kate said, looking at them. John, Kimberly and Johnny downed on their glass, pouring up a new one after.
-"Seems like our two Scottish residents can't park," Kyle said, grinning.
-"Johnny can't park for shit. I just don't care," Kimberly said, smiling for herself.

-"Take a shot if you've had more than three drinks tonight," Johnny said, aware that everyone would have to take a shot. The team laughed as they raised their glass, taking the shot. Each one refilled their glass, looking around to see who would take the next.

-"Take a shot if you're wearing black," Kyle said. Everyone but Kate grabbed their glass, downing it. They refilled their glasses once more.
-"Take a shot if you have your phone on your person," Phillip said, grinning.

John, Johnny, Gaz, Kate and Phillip grabbed their drinks, taking the shot.
-"I don't know if I'm too old for this, but the drinks are really getting to me," John said, rubbing his forehead. He felt slight dizzy and sick.
-"That's the point, Captain. We play this game and drink til we might die," König said, smiling for himself. He had taken his hood off, but it seemed like no one noticed him still. And that made him grateful. He was just another one of them it seemed, which was exactly what he wanted.

-"I'm definitely too old for this, but hey. Who am I to ruin the fun? Take a shot if you are single," John said, grinning for himself. Everyone but Kate and Kyle grabbed their glass, shotting the liquid.

-"Hold up, Kyle has a girlfriend?" Johnny asked, pointing at the man. "What does she look like?"
Everyone stared at Gaz as he picked up his phone, finding a picture of his girlfriend. He showed the picture to everyone, slightly blushing.

The woman had black, curly hair. Her brown eyes were gorgeous, her smile lighting her face up.
-"Aw, she's so pretty. What's her name?" Kimberly asked, studying the woman.
-"Her name is Isabella. We've been together for four years. She works as an accountant," Gaz said, smiling for himself.
-"That's good for you. Lovely to hear!" Johnny said, smiling to Gaz. "You hear that, Captain? He has a prioritised pass on getting home. Why aren't you celebrating with her?"

-"She's home with her family in Brazil. We figured I would celebrate with you, while she went home to her family," Gaz said, putting his phone down.
-"Lovely. Alright, let's step the game up. Take a shot if you've ever had sex outside," Kimberly said, taking her glass.

Phillip, Kate, John and Johnny grabbed their glasses, drinking with Kimberly. She could notice how Simon looked at Phillip as he took the shot, and she knew he could put two and two together.

-"Take a shot if you've seen a male stripper," Kate said, which made people around the table laugh. Kimberly, Johnny and John grabbed their glass with Kate, drinking up the tequila.
-"Where on earth have you seen a male stripper?" Kimberly asked, glaring at John in disbelief. She didn't feel too surprised that Johnny had seen one, but John?

-"I and your brother were on a mission that included us hiding in a gay bar," John said. They could see his cheeks growing slightly red, and everyone laughed.
-"You've never told me that!" Kimberly said, immediately wanting to hear the story.
-"It wasn't my proudest moment. It's not a pleasant experience, getting a lap dance from a man," John said, growing even more embarrassed. Kimberly burst out laughing, shaking her head.

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