Chapter 6.

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The helicopter ride was quiet and no one seemed too interested in talking. Everyone had their minds occupied with their own business.

Price was thinking of how he would break the news to Kimberly. He knew that she would freak out just at the mention of his name. Not that Price could blame her. The two of them had been through a lot together, and they sure as hell didn't part in a good way.

Ghost was sitting for himself, thinking through the training program he would have to put together for Kimberly. He knew he first would have to get the girl to gain some weight, but he was curious if her body would be able to handle so much food so soon. He knew the aim and stamina wouldn't be too much of a problem, but he was worried about her gaining enough muscles in such a short timespan. Nonetheless, he would do anything he could to help her pull through.

Gaz wasn't thinking about too much. His thoughts lingered around the Air Force and how the continuation of his career would be. Maybe the air force was something for him, maybe not. He wanted to try it out, but if he failed he would just return to the Special Forces. He had everything planned out for now.

Johnny was thinking about his family. He had bought tickets home to Scotland and would be gone about a weeks time, wanting to see his mother and break the good news about Kimberly. He honestly wanted his sister to tag along, but he knew that she had enough on her plate already, and too little time to finish it all. At the same time, he wanted to stay at base and help his sister with whatever she needed, but he was fully aware that they would get enough time together anyway in the future, and she would be fine on her own.

Kimberly on the other hand, felt like her head was on fire. She had been thinking about everything she could think about. The thing that worried her the most, however, were the two new guys coming. She didn't know when or how she could meet them, but she hoped Price would inform her eventually. She was thinking about the hard training ahead of her, and her trainer being Ghost.

Just knowing that he would push her to her breaking point for an entire month made her worry sick. She would then have to pass three quick exams, and also get cleared by a shrink. She wouldn't have time to rest, but she had not expected to get any either. Her future would depend on herself and how much work she wanted to put into it.

Price could be heard discussing some training with Ghost for a while, but it didn't last for long. The Lieutenant knew what he was doing, so Price didn't need to worry too much.

The ride back was over quickly, and they finally landed on the ground. Kimberly tossed the earmuffs off, getting up and hurrying out of the chopper as soon as the blades had stopped.
She looked around at the base, a smile appearing. She had not been stationed here for about four years, yet it looked exactly like she remembered.

-"Welcome back home, people. Let's go get settled. It's late," Price ordered, talking out loud to everyone. Kimberly inhaled deeply as the entire team followed their Captain into the enormous base. Once they came inside, they turned left and disappeared further into the building. They entered a flight of stairs, making it up to the third floor.

As they laid eyes down the hall, it was obvious that these would be the dorms. Three doors beside each other were open, ready for their new owners.
Price laid eyes upon a young boy with a paper in his hand. The boy was leaning onto the wall, tapping on his smartphone, showing no interest.

Price cleared his throat, gaining the kids attention.
-"Oh, apologies. Team?" he asked as he hid his phone.
-"Task Force 141," Price said, shifting his weight. The boy looked through the paper, then grabbed a second one from his pocket.

-"Let us have a look... Yeah, here. Room 100 has been assigned to John Price and Simon Riley. One pair of keys for each person are on the inside of all rooms. Room 101 has been assigned to Johnny MacTavish and a... König?" the boy said, studying the name. Kimberly immediately noticed a worried glance from Price, as if she had been put to be roomies with one she hated. She crossed her arms, patiently waiting for a name.

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