Chapter 27.

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Thursday, 2nd of December, 2021.

Kimberly walked down the stairs, listening to the quiet base. She had woken early, but she didn't mind. She had a long day ahead of her, but first the team had planned to enjoy breakfast together. Her waking up first would also meant she wouldn't need to have an awkward conversation with Simon.

They had planned to eat at 6 AM, so that they would have the cafeteria to themselves while the others were just waking up. She had woken Simon before she left, but she didn't say anything else to him. She didn't feel the need. Silence felt better, as of their feelings were somewhat mutual now.

Kimberly entered the cafeteria and laid eyes on Price, Gaz, Shepherd and König. She let out a sigh as she realised that she had not been the one to wake up early today. She walked up to the table and stepped up beside John, staring at the food. It looked like an entire buffet just on their table alone.

-"Good morning, guys," Kimberly said and collapsed down on the chair. She studied the men, trying to see if any of them had heard her last night, but it didn't seem like it. Unless they were good at hiding it.
-"Morning. You ready to travel?" Price asked, pointing towards the food on the table. Kimberly reached for two slices of bread. She wanted to grab the cheese, but she grabbed the strawberry jam instead. She didn't want to have a tummy ache on the plane.

-"I'm as ready as can be," Kimberly said, making her food. The chair next to her was pulled out, and she looked up and expected to see Simon. As she laid eyes on Phillip, her hand grabbed the chair and her smile disappeared. "It's taken."

-"Okay... My bad. Can't exactly see anyone sitting here yet though," Phillip said, walking over to sit beside König. Kimberly could see that König hadn't grabbed any food, and she knew he wouldn't either.
-"Does it matter? I don't even want to look at you, let alone have you next to me," Kimberly muttered, casting a glance at Johnny and Laswell as they approached, settling down beside Shepherd and Philip. There was just something about Phillip that made her absolutely furious. Was it because she now knew what real love was?

-"I don't see why you don't want to look at me. It's not like you didn't enjoy my handsome face earlier," Phillip said, aware that he was bothering her. He knew how to get on her nerves, and he loved it. Shepherd sat quietly, studying the two of them.

Philip knew what she and Simon had been up to. He had heard them as he passed their door, and it hurt him. Then again, he knew he could only blame himself. But he didn't understand how Kimberly couldn't let him in, but let Simon in so quickly. What made Simon so much better than him?

-"Because you're a cheating bitch," Kimberly snapped, putting the jam back.
-"Because you wouldn't let me touch you!" Phillip snapped back. Price held his hand out, clearing his throat.
-"I think that's enough."

Laswell and Johnny looked around confused, not certain why or what they were arguing about.
-"No, it's not. I think he deserves to know how big of an asshole he is," Kimberly said, crossing her arms.
-"I'm the asshole who's going on a hot date tonight," Phillip said proudly. He was lying, but he knew it would annoy Kimberly. She wouldn't be there to see either.
-"You're going on a date? My god," Kimberly muttered, rolling her eyes at him.

-"Why do you even care?" Phillip snapped. Kimberly could hear the fake annoyance in his voice, but she didn't know what it was all about. She honestly didn't care either. She just knew she hated Phillip with all her heart. She could hear footsteps approaching, but she didn't care who it was at this point.

-"Is there nothing but a black hole where your heart should be?" Kimberly asked, looking over at Phillip. She remained calm, keeping a straight face.

-"What's up your ass this morning?" Phillip snapped, rolling his eyes at the girl. Simon pulled the chair out and settled down beside Kimberly, and Phillip could see the bright smile she gave him. He could immediately see the light shine in her eyes.

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