Chapter 15.

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Tuesday, 16th of November, 2021.

The morning arrived and the base was quiet. Kimberly opened her eyes as she woke, noticing the empty space in bed beside her. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, reaching over. She grabbed the bedsheet, feeling it. It was cold beside her, resulting in her turning around. She glared at the clock, seeing it was 5:57. She rolled her eyes as she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She sighed, waiting out the few minutes. As the clock hit 6:00 and the alarm began, she reached over and shut the alarm off. Kimberly got up from the bed and walked towards the closet, grabbing the sweater she had used yesterday. She headed into the bathroom, doing her business on the toilet. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, combed her hair. Kimberly dressed in the sweater and her cargo pants, running a hand through her hair on her way out.

Kimberly put her joggers on, getting out of her room. She shut the door, leaving the dormitories on third floor. Kimberly walked past the cafeteria, past the main hall and made her way towards the gym. She made her way inside, flipping the light switch. The lights turned on and Kimberly made her way towards the treadmill. She turned it on and put it to a jog, starting easy.

Kimberly had her mind full. So full that she couldn't even think about anything. She felt slightly overwhelmed by everything that was going on, and the one person she could talk to didn't want to talk to her. She didn't want to blame him, because she knew where it came from. But she did blame him because she felt so greatly disappointed and alone.

She put the treadmill into a run, letting her feet follow its pace. She was fine with getting the silent treatment, but this wasn't the time. She was fully depending that John communicated properly with her. The thought had hit her that maybe he had given up on her. That he would let her go before or after the mission, but at the same time she knew he wouldn't. Especially since he knew her history and had been a part of her life.

She didn't like the idea of giving Phillip this extra chance, but she was a forgiving person. A bit too forgiving sometimes. Kimberly only wanted to give people a chance to be their best, even if they had hurt her. She believed and hoped people would change, even if proven wrong time after time. Perhaps a bit delusional for her own good.

Kimberly thought back to her father, completely aware to this day why he had been so hard on her. All the beating was obviously overdoing it, but his hate for her wanting to join the Army. It wasn't a pretty life, and he just wanted to keep his daughter safe. He had served three times in Afghanistan, once in Iraq and once in Vietnam. His time had been rough and only the gods were aware of the things he had seen and done.

Whose parents would be okay with knowing that their child would go through the same shit? Whose parents would be okay with knowing that their child could be sent home in a casket, if they were ever found. If there was anything left but a dog tag to be saved.

The only regret Kimberly had to this day was not getting the help her father needed. She just left him, having flipped the finger to a drunk man after so many threats. She had never taken him serious when he threatened to kill himself, and he had surprised her. Proved to her that he meant it. Meant everything he said.

One thing Kimberly knew for sure, and it was the fact that she would never become her father. Even if she was afraid that she already had become him.
She never saw her father serve, but she knew that it was always the same man that returned home. He couldn't put on a mask, because it had been broken. His entire personality, and the bombing he had experienced clearly didn't help. It had been the final blow.

Still, Kimberly was happy that her father had taken her instead of leaving her. If she had stayed in Scotland, she wouldn't be here. She would never have been in this line of work. And never met Price. Maybe that would have been the better for Price, but Kimberly knew she couldn't think like that. She couldn't drag herself further down just because others did.

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