Chapter 30.

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Makarov checked the watch on his wrist. He wanted to spend more time here with Victoria, but he saw that the time was running away from them. They needed to get going if they were going to finish his test before everyone left. The four volunteers wouldn't wait for them all night, even though he expected them to.

-"I would have loved to stay here with you all night, but we should get going. I don't wish to do this to you, but I need you to pass a test," Makarov said. Kimberly pulled away from him and looked up at him.
-"Let's get going then," Kimberly said, giving him a nod. She knew something bad was going to happen, but she just wanted this night to end. Even though she didn't want to admit it, he was getting in on her. He seemed to know what she wanted without her having to ask for it. And she wasn't used with that.

The door behind them opened and Yuri stepped outside, interrupting their peace.
-"Just follow Yuri back to the car, and I'll catch up to you once I've paid," Makarov said, giving her a smile.

Kimberly followed Yuri through the restaurant and out onto the parking lot. They got inside the car, waiting for Makarov.
-"About this test he's going to put you through tonight. Don't feel bad for any of them. They've all done horrible things, and will do whatever they can to get a seat beside Makarov. Don't think, just do," Yuri said, falling silent. He knew he wasn't allowed to tell her anything about the test they were going to put her through, but he liked her. She seemed too good for Makarov, and he knew things that his boss would never know.

The backdoor on the left side of the car opened, and Makarov made his way inside. Kimberly kept her mouth shut, aware that Yuri wasn't supposed to tell her anything about this.

They pulled out of the parking lot and left the restaurant. They didn't pull back out onto the highway, but instead they continued further out through the woods. Kimberly didn't ask any questions, and she continued to repeat Yuri's words in her head.

She knew by now that she would go into a fight with other people, but that was it. She didn't know any more than that. And she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know the rest either. Even if they were bad men, she didn't want to kill them for anyones amusement.

The drive was silent, and almost an hour passed. They were driving through woods and went further and further away from civilization, until they came to an old building. The lights were on and there were several cars parked. Makarov opened the door and turned towards Kimberly.
-"Give it all you've got. Your life depends on what you decide to do."

The three of them left the car without saying another word. Makarov led the way to the house. Yuri followed his leader, while Kimberly trailed after them. As they entered the house, she could hear roaring from several people. As she laid eyes on the inside, she felt chills run down her spine.

The living room and kitchen in the house had practically been ripped out and turned into a big open space. In the middle there was a big cage, and she knew it was a fighting area. The blood and teeth on the floor gave it away.

-"Where are my contestants?" Makarov shouted out loud, and in no time four men appeared in a line in front of him, looking eager. They had a wild look in their eyes. "Very well. This is the woman you'll be fighting, one after one. We've sorted you from least to most experience. You're first."

Makarov pointed towards a short man who seemed to be in his mid 40's. Kimberly hugged herself as Makarov turned towards her.
-"Have you been training with knives?" Makarov asked, handing one over to her and the other to the short man.
-"Yes, but these aren't meant for practicing," Kimberly said, staring at the sharp blade. These were the real deal. Combat knives that were meant for cutting through flesh and bone. Made for killing living things.

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