Chapter 32.

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Friday, 17th of December, 2021.

Kimberly studied Makarov as he spoke in his phone. She tried to understand what he was saying, but Russian only sounded like gibberish to her. She only understood that he was pissed, given the tone in his voice. She laid on the bed, still naked from the night before. She felt a little sore, but she pushed it away. It wasn't the first time she had woken up, feeling sore. She was holding onto hope that this would be her last day with him.

She threw a look at the clock. It wasn't even five in the morning yet, and she was still tired and groggy. She definitely had too much to drink last night, but it had helped her with forgetting most about last night. All she knew was that they had been going at it for a long time, as usual. And it still broke her just as much every time.

Makarov finally ended the call, the man groaning for himself. He put his phone down on the nightstand as he collapsed down on the bed. He crawled under the covers and snuggled against Kimberly.

-"It seems like I have to leave today. I'm leaving with a helicopter in... five hours. My people in Mexico managed to capture some soldiers the other day, but they have to wait. Captain Price has been spotted in Mexico City last night," Makarov said, placing a kiss on Kimberly's shoulder.

-"Is it his team that they have captured?" Kimberly asked, looking at the man beside her.
-"I don't know. I don't care about the soldiers. They can just starve and die. I told them that they would just have to keep them locked tight until I find Price. Wait, I have a question," Makarov said.

He turned around and opened his nightstand. He pulled out a small black box, turning towards Kimberly.
-"It's really stupid, but I have fallen for you with my entire heart. In case I don't make it back, I want you to have everything I own. You only deserve good, and I want to know that you'll be mine - even when I'm not here. Victoria, will you do the honors of becoming my wife?"

Makarov opened the black box, and Kimberly stared at the ring. She opened her mouth to protest, but she didn't find any words. Her heart was racing and she felt legitimately happy - which felt illegal.
-"I know it's too soon. I know we don't know each other that well, but I know that I love you and that you're who I want to be with. But I don't want to die and leave you sitting here with nothing. You are my-."

Makarov was shut up as he felt her soft lips onto his, kissing him deeply. Kimberly pulled away, grinning towards him.
-"Just stop talking. My answer's yes!" Kimberly said, holding her hand out. Makarov grabbed the ring and put it on her finger, smiling as widely as her.

Kimberly studied the ring, and she had to admit that she absolutely loved it. It was a rose gold setting with three big diamonds on top. The biggest diamond in the middle was blue and very beautiful. Almost like her eyes. Kimberly didn't even dare to guess the price of the ring.

Makarov softly grabbed her cheek, staring into her eyes.
-"I love you," he whispered, feeling lost in her eyes. He was beyond happy and proud. Proud that he had managed to find such a wonderful woman. Happy that this woman he loved wanted to be with him.
-"I love you too," Kimberly whispered, aware that she was blushing. Truth be told, she didn't know what she was feeling. She was slightly happy, but at the same time not.

She was happy that he loved her, and she liked him as well, but she was also so angered at him. She didn't want to hurt him, but at the same time she wanted to get the hell away from him. She was honestly confused.

Makarov hugged her tightly as he laid down beside her, getting comfortable.
-"I'll most likely be gone when you wake up, as of I've got to get ready soon. But I'll be home before you know it. Just make yourself as comfortable as you can. I don't think you understand how happy you've made me, Victoria."

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