Chapter 38.

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Monday, 20th of December, 2021.

Kimberly stared at herself in the mirror. She was tired, and her body felt weird. She couldn't put her finger on what it was, but something wasn't right. Her head was cloudy, her focus gone.
-"It's probably just something from when I got gassed," Kimberly whispered for herself. She could notice her roots coming back up, which made her strawberry hair look ugly.

The girl left the bathroom and walked down the passage, staring into the kitchen. Everyone laid eyes on her as she noticed she was the only person missing from the table. She had to be the last person once again.

-"Good morning," John said, patting the empty chair in between him and Kate. Kimberly walked over and settled down, staring at the food on the table. Kimberly felt really hungry, so she reached for four slices of bread.
-"You're quiet this morning. Are you okay?" Kate asked, studying Kimberly. She could see that Kimberly didn't seem like herself. She seemed slightly pale.

-"Hm? Oh. Yeah," Kimberly muttered, reaching for the jam. She then grabbed the ham, placing it on top of the jam. She grabbed her food and began eating, in which she noticed a few eyes on her. "What?"

-"Jam and ham?" Phillip asked, crossing his arms.
-"So?" Kimberly snapped, not feeling like discussing with Phillip this breakfast as well.
-"Nothing," Phillip muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He knew that Kimberly had never eaten those two together on the same slice, but he didn't bother to question her. He was too tired to argue with her this morning.

-"I think it's good to see Kimberly eating well. She's still thin," Johnny said, talking with his mouth full of food. Kimberly slightly grossed.
-"Didn't our mother teach you some table manners?" Kimberly asked, smiling towards her brother.
-"She did, but she's not here to scold me," Johnny said, grinning for himself.

The talk flew easily around the table this morning, but Kimberly, König and Simon remained quiet. They were just listening, feeling tense.
As Kimberly finished her four slices, she grabbed another one. She scooped a spoon of jam on, eating it quickly.

-"Is there anything any of you need from the store? I and Kimberly are going there now," John said, looking around at everyone as Kimberly finished her breakfast.
-"No, but please buy some soda," Gaz said.
-"There's also the possibility to take my car and go to a store on your own," Kate said, holding up the keys to the car she had borrowed from their base.

-"I'll need to borrow it later," Johnny said, still talking with his mouth full of food.
-"Should we go?" Kimberly asked, looking at John.
-"Yeah," John said, getting up from his chair. Kimberly followed him, and they quickly left the house.

Kimberly settled down in the passenger seat as John unlocked his car. She pushed the seat forward, straightening the back of the seat from when Gaz had been sitting there.
-"How are we feeling today? You've got some swollen eyes," John said as he started his car, backing out of his driveway.

-"Like shit. I'm tired and I feel terrible," Kimberly said, staring at the road ahead.
-"Oh? Are you coming down with the flu, or do you feel bad about something?"
-"I feel like I'm getting sick. I don't feel too well," Kimberly said, hugging herself.

-"That's too bad. I did some research on what we were gassed with, and apparently you can get sick afterwards. Hey, who did you get on secret santa?" John asked, grinning for himself. He knew Kimberly could keep her mouth shut.
-"Phillip. Who did you get?" Kimberly asked, looking over at John.

-"I got Simon. What do you think, should we be a little rude with our secret gifts to them?" John asked, laughing for himself.
-"I planned on buying something rude, yeah. There's this calendar flip book that has daily insults. I figured it would be perfect for Phillip," Kimberly said, smiling for herself.

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