Chapter 39.

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Tuesday, 21st of December, 2021.

-"Hey! Wake up, sleepyhead!"
Kimberly groaned as she rolled onto her back. She sat up, staring at the wide open door. Johnny was standing there with his arms crossed, staring at her.
-"What's the clock?" Kimberly muttered, wiping the sleep away from her eyes.

-"It's 9! Breakfast is ready any minute now. Hurry up," Johnny said, grinning widely. Kimberly mumbled swearwords under her breath as she got up from the couch. She stretched her body before heading into the bathroom. She walked over to her bag, grabbing a pair of black jeans and white sweater. She put the clothes down on the sink.

Kimberly undressed of her nightgown, placing it on one of the shelves she had occupied. She walked up to the toilet and pulled down her underwear, settling down. As she noticed the bloody spots in her underwear, Kimberly felt confused.
-"That's about time," she whispered, but it didn't feel right.

Kimberly had not had her period since just before her 19th birthday. The abortion she performed on herself made sure of that, so she didn't know if she should be happy or depressed that it was back. Still, the blood seemed a little too pink and spotty for her liking. It didn't remind her of a normal period, but she knew her body would struggle.
-"Perhaps my body is just coming back to itself," Kimberly whispered as she tossed her underwear away into the laundry basket.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a new one, and a pad. She quickly did her business in the bathroom and made way towards the kitchen. She walked up to the table and settled down in between John and Kate.
-"Did you stay awake all night or something? Unusual of you to sleep this late," John said, looking at Kimberly. She seemed very calm. Almost like knowing about her father had helped her move on.

-"You're aware that you talk in your sleep? Like, a lot," Kimberly said, reaching for four slices of bread. She topped them with jam, eating. She could hear John scoff loudly.
-"I do not!" John said, chuckling for himself. He seemed surprised by her statement.
-"You most certainly do, Sir. I hear you all the way out into the living room. You also snore. A lot," König said, staring at their Captain. He had almost decided to go out into one of the cars to sleep. How Kimberly had even got one bit of sleep was beyond his understanding. Kimberly laughed as John looked over at König, seemingly shocked.
-"See?" Kimberly said.

-"Cut him some slack," Johnny said, smiling for himself.
-"You don't have a saying in this, trouble boy," Kimberly said with a grin.
-"That's not fair. No one has called me that for years," Johnny said, crossing his arms.
-"People used to call you trouble boy? They should still call you that," Simon said, in which Johnny threw his arms up in annoyance.

-"Johnny, you were the class clown. You always got into trouble. You still do. Did you guys know he ate a roach once to impress his crush?" Kimberly said, remembering back to when they had been children.
-"He did what?!" Gaz said, laughing for himself. "Well, did you manage to impress her?"
-"It was one time, Kim!" Johnny said, his face red from embarrassment. "And no. She never spoke to me after that."

People laughed around the table, enjoying themselves. As everyone finished eating their breakfast, silence settled. But not for long.
-"Would you look at that," Kate said, staring out of the window. Everyone looked outside, and they could see heavy snow falling from the sky.
-"Finally," John said, having awaited a new snowfall for a while.

-"It seems like there's going to be a blizzard later tonight. If anyone needs to go to the store, do so now in the morning. Given how much wind there's going to be, we should all stay indoors tonight," Kate said, staring at her phone.
-"Sounds like a plan. Should we watch some movies? I'll go to the store and buy snacks," Gaz said, standing up.
-"I'll come with," Phillip said, getting up as well.
-"I'll pick movies!" Johnny said, grinning for himself.
-"I should go to the store as well," Simon said, getting up.
-"Me too," König said, following the others.

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