S1: Episode 4 [ Help Is On The Way ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 4: [ Help Is On The Way.]






"Honestly, if this was going to be my new place of living till the mission is over, I don't think I would need to bring everything with me," Y/n said with a small laugh as he fell back on the long gray couch which matched the color of his long-sleeved shirt, pairing well with his dark baggy pants. With a damp towel over his neck, while his long dirty blond hair fell to the sides of his face and down past his neck, the young man with exotic eyes had to ponder the intentions of his father.

"I've never been the type to tell him no, but he seemed pretty pushy about sending me out the door... Maybe. He's always been pushy about me acting my age, as he calls it. Middle school was fun while it lasted, but even then, that still felt more like a job than an experience...," Y/n commented, sitting up a little as he looked ahead at the coffee table in front of him. Shrugging his shoulders a little, he looked at the stack of files on it. Black in color, the files were something Y/n looked at for a moment, debating whether he wanted to read them a fourth time since he arrived off his flight. "That church, I'll need to head there soon... But, rushing into things won't do me any good, everything has to follow each other..."

A day after meeting Asia, he was home alone this Saturday night, in April no less, what a joke. He had finished unpacking the day before, finally dressing up his room with all his favorite things, with even the living room getting some attention as in front of the television there was a small gaming console with three sets of controllers. While not the largest, he quite liked the home, it had everything he needed, and he wasn't too big on showing off luxury, it drew too much attention, so its simplicity was welcoming to him.

Thinking something over, Y/n soon brought a smile to his face as he pulled out his phone from his left pocket. Unlocking his phone and opening it, the blond began searching through his contacts he landed on the one he had in mind. "I get that I should have asked her when we were at school, but hopefully she won't be too mad at me, I hope," Y/n said calmly as he dialed the number and leaned back on the couch, getting comfortable as he grabbed the remote, switching on the television as the news began to show, providing white noise for his little phone call. "She doesn't look like it, but she has a fire to her, and I'd hate to be on the receiving end of her temper. Haha."

Listening to the phone ring, he hoped she would answer as going alone wouldn't be fun for him. Smiling, the man with caramel complexion waited with anticipation, blowing air from his lips as he heard the ringing end and a voice speak up from the other end. "...Yo, who this?" The familiar monotone voice asked as Y/n replied in a questioning tone.

"Hello, is this Pizza Hut? I heard Papa John's has better pizza than you guys, is that true or am I being fed more bull than Mcdonald's saying they have a working Ice cream machine?" Y/n joked as on the other end of the line things went dead for a moment until a long sigh was heard, followed by a giggle from another voice.

"Oh, it's you...," Koneko said as Y/n tilted his head for a moment, wondering if he really just heard that. On the other side, the white-haired girl who sat on a maroon couch next to Akeno looked at the queen with a neutral face before putting a finger over her lips as she put the boy on speaker.

"And what is that supposed to mean, if I asked for your number, don't you think I'd eventually call it? I can't tell if you're playing hard to get or you're just a natural at giving the cold shoulder?" Y/n asked with a smile as the raven-haired beauty muttered something while Koneko replied.

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