S2: Episode 20 [ Back To School: Life Resumes ]

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[ Kuoh Academy: 11:45 AM ]

One more day, one more week, just another month and you'll be free. Repeat the words, stay in flow with the beat, and keep the mantra repeating in your heart. Mark the day in your calendar as Summer break's eventual arrival ticks down until it reaches its destined stop! One more day of high school, one more day in hell till you are released into temporary heaven as your first term ends!

As the bell rang out across the school; First, Second, and Third years stepped and cleared out their respective classrooms, walking in cliques and groups that had formed at the beginning of the year. Venturing out towards the lunchroom, and of course, their usual meet-up spots, chattering and speaking amongst each other. While the outside sky stood clear, bright, and sunny with a golden ball of light warming the earth, the overall mood was a glowing one inside as well, as rather than discussing what they had just learned, the numerous students who were filling the halls at a disproportionately female ratio were instead wondering and speculating exactly how they were going to spend their all to awaited Summer break!

"Your family's planning to travel back to the country this year, right?"

"Mhm, we have some relatives there."

Planning, discussing, and figuring out where they would and wouldn't be seeing each other during their time away from this prestigious prison, the students traveled up and down the halls as they went their way and headed where they needed to be. With the Third years on the third story of the school, while the Second years were of course in the middle, the First years were pouring out of the first floor of the school as in one particular classroom...

"Ehh? Come on man you gotta come with us!" Red-haired and determined, the boy slammed his hands onto the desk to further push his point. "You've been helping us with classes since the year began, it'll be fun!"

"And like I said, I can't, sorry man," Apologetic and sporting a familiar pair of purple shades with white lining, the blond with caramel skin glanced up at the fiery red-haired classmate of his, alongside the others that were at his desk. "I would love to come, but some stuff has come up and-" Shrugging his shoulders and sighing-"Well I can't just toss them aside, but I'm sure you guys and gals will have fun without me, right? Come on you Red Chimp, you get to be the leader this time, haha," Y/n joked as he crossed his arms and leaned up in his seat, meeting the orange eyes of his friend who looked just a little annoyed at the nickname.

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