S2: Extra Content 1: [ Thrift Shop ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Extra Content 1 : [ Thrift Shop ]






[ Kouh Town: 1:00 PM ]

Dress the sky with a clear blue gradient as vast as the sea. Paint the world above with soft comfy clouds and maybe you'll find yourself under the glaring bright light of the summer sun. A nearly clear sky, and a bright and sunny day, the month of July was soon on its way to arrive. The devils would soon be on their way home.

And for the town of Kouh, it meant only one thing. Young and maturing, adolescents and soon-to-be young adults were free from their educational confides. Free to venture, free to slumber for countless hours, boys and girls this time of year were either beginning to make their plans for the brief time they would have away from school, or were already starting them. So with summer jobs on the rise and allowances ready to be spent, it only made sense for today's youth to start their summer break with fashion and glamor in mind.

Dress for the season and look exceptionally stylish for it, that outlook was simply perfect for a man such as him.

"Alright, let's get this out of the way before we start moving," Smoothly pulling in and parking the slick black vintage Jaguar by the side of the gray-colored street as busybodies moved up and down it. Y/n took his hands off the wheel before twisting and swiping the silver key out of the ignition slot and pocketing it as he turned his attention to the girl in the passenger seat. "Yo, you listening?"

"Huh?" Up and down. In and out. People came and went up and down the street, in and out of the mall, as well as along various other streets. She had never planned to visit such a place when she first came to this-

Tapping her on the shoulder to get her out of her trance, Y/n found that his passenger needed to be brought out of her daydreams. "C'mon don't space out on me, the music couldn't have been that good."

Wearing his familiar set of purple shades, Xenovia fell back to earth and woke up as she was tapped on the shoulder, causing her to turn around to face her lord who had caught her spacing out. "O-oh sorry, my god!"She exclaimed as the passing heads turned at her words. Stopping in place and giving Y/n a look, the group of stunned citizens weren't sure they had just heard the girl right.

"Uhm... She's foreign," The King of Serpents hadn't exactly lied as he stared back at the surprised humans who had not a lick or clue of the true identities of the people in the black car, but luckily, they would rather not dwell on the subject as nodding their heads or merely mumbling a set of words under their breath, the frozen group resumed themselves to their day as they walked past. Causing Y/n to lean back in his seat and let out a sigh.

"...What did I say before we left?" Y/n ran his right hand through his hair and leaned back, meeting the contemplative eyes of his new follower. Hoping the girl remembered as she prepared to speak.

"You said..." Beginning to mumble and list the various events before they had arrived, Xenovia crossed her arms and thought. "Don't..."

"Yes, don't do what?" Y/n repeated as it finally clicked and Xenovia remembered.

The Serpent King : Highschool DxD [ Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now