S2: Episode 10 : [ A Tale of Two Brothers: 1.]

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 Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 10: [ A Tale of Two Brothers: 1.]






"You've improved," She noted, moving one of her remaining pawns forward. With only four left she was careful, already down a bishop and two knights while her ever-confident opponent still had six of his pawns left.

"Or perhaps, I'm simply showing more strength," Ready to promote one of his pawns to a knight, he looked up at the short-haired woman with violet eyes, noticing that she was studying him like the backside of a test with multiple answers. The blond wearing purple shades then took a moment to pause and reconsider his move. Removing his hand away from the board.

"...Or maybe it's just luck," Don't ask him why, but something told him he would have ended up in the lion's den soon if he had made that move.

"Really? I believed only luck followed fools, or perhaps I misjudged you as something other than one, Alaster," Sona questioned as Y/n tapped his finger on the table, thinking over his move before promptly picking up his black knight.

"Foolish confidence isn't my style, I prefer arrogantly succeeding, Ms. Sitri '' Y/n replied, moving his knight down a couple of spaces, a bit too close to Sona's king for her liking as she replied.

"Has Rias contracted you as her Magician yet?"

"Are you looking to make it into a bidding war?" Y/n replied, his lips curving up into a smirk.

Today was in fact not a school day, rather it was the weekend and specifically Sunday morning. Exactly a week away from the meeting between 'The Three Factions', as well as a couple of days before another event at the school that would be taking place, Y/n had received a call earlier from Sona to appear at the school when he was free. Being ever prudent with anything work-related, he decided to come as early as possible, which led to the current situation between the two. With Ravel outside waiting for him, he had yet to uncover the mystery as to why she had requested his presence.

Not that he was complaining, he missed their games.

"I have no interest in competing with her over you," Sona calmly answered, much to Y/n's amusement.

"Even if it meant getting me as a piece?" He questioned, his smirk growing into a smile as the woman looked up from the board and directly at him. Surprising the blond a bit as she had quite the strong and confident look in her eyes, only adding to her always cool and collected face.

"...While I would prefer not to, I'm sure with my sister's help I could give you a piece befitting your strength, a mutated Bishop would work, correct?" Sona genuinely offered as Y/n who was honestly a joke didn't know what to say as the woman pulled out what looked like a premade contract, the chessboard disappearing as she slid the contract over to him. "While I have noted your close bonds with her group, I'm sure you would enjoy the student council quite more, and while a bit...unfair to the rest of our school, my terms include allowing you to come to school in normal dress attire."

"..........," Looking to where she was pointing, Sona was no liar as Y/n read the section of the text that outlined exactly that, his surprise soon turning to minor debate as someone, likely Sona, place a ballpoint pen in his right hand. ( I'm beginning to think both Red and Blue have some sort of rivalry going on that I didn't know about...) He thought to himself before shaking his head. Looking back up at Sona who simply waited for him.

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