Extra Content 1: [ Karaoke Misfortune and The Unlikely Meeting.]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: One]

Extra Content 1: [ Karaoke Misfortune and The Unlikely Meeting.]






"What the hell is the 'Gate of Babylon'...? And why is it so broken!?" Issei cried, letting his head fall into his left hand as he released a desperate sigh that did nothing to quell his confusion as out of the corner of his eye he stared at the white sheet of paper with the world's greatest scorn a seventeen-year-old perverted boy could hope to give when under this terrible plight.

( "...Would you like my help? I believe that banshee Tiamat once informed me of the great king Gilgamesh's skill in quite literally bombarding his opponents with his seemingly eternal mastery of armaments." ) Power yet old, strong yet rough, the welsh dragon that was stuck inside him like some strange form of a jinchuriki asked his partner with a genuine tone only to receive the slight shake of Issei's head in return as the brunette leaned back in his simple wooden chair that slightly lifted off the ground as Issei pressed his feet against it: a calm yet resolved look on his face that stared up at his wall.

"Nope, he specifically said I couldn't use you as a cheat, so I gotta have to learn this the old fashion way," Issei explained before moving back to his table, shrugging his shoulders before frowning. "Wanna know what sucks about becoming a devil, Ddraig?" Issei asked in a rhetorical tone that the dragon wasn't blind to in the least. ( "Oh would you please enlighten me, boy, who cannot help but ogle breasts?" ) The lizard quipped, Issei in return giving an annoyed look.

"Hey, I only stare at the ones that bounce! ...But nah, it's that after living your whole life in a world you were supposed to know and live in, now you gotta understand a brand new one that treats you like crap!" Issei exclaimed only to quickly pipe down as he heard his mother warn him downstairs.

( "I cannot say that your complaints aren't without merit, but I don't believe it worth being a crybaby about it. Your friend and master are both educating you on this, are they not? So, finish the damn work and let me sleep, your yelling is louder in here than out there..." ) The heavenly dragon answered as Issei muttered something under his breath.

Ah yes, history.

Looking out for his buddy like any 'good intentioned friend' would do, and along with training him like a dog, in his genius thinking Y/n had decided to help improve Issei's knowledge of the supernatural world. This was a joint ever, one made by both the devilish blond and the crimson beauty that is the brunette's lovely master. Sounds good on the surface, great for his future, and even fantastic as he hopefully wouldn't make a fool of himself in front of the wrong person, Issei was fine with it.

Until he found out.

One, the work was given to him on school nights and weekends, meaning he was currently kissing his Saturday off goodbye.

Two, it was just as much work as all of his classes put together, because Greek mythology as he learned was a complete clusterfuck of supreme lust and a guy named Zeus.

And three, he had to go train with Y/n in about an hour.

"I swear I saw that guy shadowboxing earlier in his room... Why do I gotta have a strong mind and body, why can't I just be strong!?" Issei asked, earning a quick answer from Ddraig.

( "Because a society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. Nevertheless, as my host, you should only think about becoming better in both regards, since as of right now, denying yourself them leaves you open to an early grave in this world. I've told you before, many of my past hosts lived grand lives full of splendor and women, but may I remind you of their fates...? Don't meet their standard, make yourself an exception.")

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