S2: Episode 9: [Birds of Prey and Red Fangs.]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 9: [Birds of Prey and Red Fangs.]






"Issei, a lack of chest doesn't make up for a lack of ass, but a whole lot of ass can certainly make up for not a lot of chest. Remember, when was the last time you saw a woman with cake and no thighs? They go hand in hand, my friend," Dressed in a snug short-sleeved white athletic shirt and a pair of navy blue gym shorts, Y/n passed Issei, who was dressed similar to him, a bright red ball that the brunette caught.

"Okay fair, but what's the first thing you see when a girl walks up to you?" Issei asked as he threw the ball back to Y/n.

With the Summer nearly here, gym class was currently taking place outside today, much to the discomfort of the First and Second years who would have much preferred staying inside the cool air-conditioned gym. And with both First and Second years sharing the occasional gym period, it allowed for the two grade groups to intermingle with each other.

"Oh easy, her clothes," Y/n confidently said as he threw the ball back to Issei who quite strongly threw back at him after hearing that response.

"Damn it! Not everyone is a damn clothes lover like you!" Issei shouted as some students looked over to see what the commotion was about. "Also you still haven't shown me that picture of your damn ex! The deal was "I help you beat Dark Souls and I get to see what idiot tried tying the knot with you!" Issei exclaimed before quickly ducking as Y/n aimed for his head.

"You didn't help me beat anything, you died to the nameless king five times and then gave up before nearly deleting my save," Y/n fired back, a bit surprised he missed Issei. "But since you at least tried to help... Her name is Elmenhilde Karnstein, do with that what you will," Y/n revealed as Issei gave his friend a look.

"...Somehow, I feel like you lied about something when you described her to me."

"I've lied about more for less."

( ...How did I get roped into this? ) Kiba thought, as being the third person in their three-man group, the other blonde prince of Kuoh Academy found himself waiting for the ball to come his way, yet likely would soon have to accept his role as the third wheel of this three-man group.

With a blue sky, a bright yellow sun, and a day free of clouds, Summer was truly on its way and the school was never more lively as vacation was the thing in everyone's mind. Freedom from academic responsibility was a temporary freedom they all longed for, so on the field students all considered and discussed their plans for the break.

"Wait Kiba, does the President have any plans for us once we get out?" Issei's mind was on the beach, and more importantly Rias and Akeno on the said beach, he had already gotten a sight of them in swimsuits and now with the opportunity to place them at a cool beach with a hot Summer's day, oh he couldn't hide his excitement.

"Umm, right! We're actually going to the underworld to visit her family and do some training," Kiba explained before explaining a bit more as Y/n listened in. "But before all of that, we still have the upcoming meeting to worry about, and hey Alaster? Please make sure the Governor General isn't going to suggest anything crazy for all our sakes, haha," Kiba asked with a fun tone as Y/n...

"Ayo, hell to Y/n?" Issei waved his hand in front of his friend's face as the blonde seemed to be staring off into space. "Holy shit I think he spaced out-"

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