S2: Episode 1:[The Devil Stays Down in Kouh.]

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In the dead of night, if you stay keen and listen, observe, and wait, you may even hear the ghouls start to sing. Softly the start is matched by a cool melody, with static to its flow the radio plays and tells a musical story worth hearing, making even midnight full of life! Dance with the skeletons and move with the ghosts, he who holds this little radio chases after their prey without haste, so listen and wait as the boogeyman comes after their prey.

"A long, long time ago."

"I had my little show."

"Was a beautiful, lovable angel."

"But he took the spotlight, shining so bright."

"Left me to fade away..."

"But, honey, now the turn is mine."

Look above and see everything once called heaven painted black, see below that everything else in the city had been swallowed by the black hole that colored the night. Only the stars that hung above acted as many halos which decorated the sky. Ebony everywhere, darkness stretching farther, the night was still and cold, yet not without design nor image as the streetlights flickered, triggered by motion, one by one they became lit with warm orange as a hulking shadow darted past. Like the flick of a switch and spark of life, down the dark street, going down the paved road with yellow stripes and cement crosswalks, the streetlights shot up like a man out of bed, each spark of light catching the glimmer and slight image of a moving shadow that darted.

"Grr...Haaa....Haaa...Help!? Someone help me!? Grrr!"

Distorted and in all forms of wrong, the shouts and cries of a broken voice, a man with a distorted tongue flung out into the air as a hulking mass charged downed the yellow lined road with haste and without the worry of the attention it attracted as it's limbs slammed and bashed into the ground, moving like a train, running like a beast on all fours, the massive monster ran like no tomorrow as it nearly stammered down the road while it's large human-like eyes shot around in all directions. Glazed and red shot, foggy and disturbed, it looked through the ebony that plagued the street frantically. Over the white appeared transparent red veins that melted into the black pupils which expanded: almost seeming to jump all around directions in search of something as its lengthy limbs were lit by the lights it passed. The terror and confusion of a cornered beast, the human reaction of flight or fight in the face of fear, the monster was running from something, as with every glance it took...

"Away!! ...Help me...Help me! Demon!"

A Shadow followed close by, as a phantom if not a demon, a boogeyman chased after it. Glowing violet eyes, moving with a blur, its glare like a roaring fire, it stared down the screaming imitation of a man. Like a devil made from heaven, sent down from above, the smoky, shadowy stalker moved at a distance, reflected only in the eye of the storm, the pupils of a frightened beast, this devil whipped around every corner the hulking monster took, waiting for it, ready to strike, yet just far enough away to keep up the chase.

The beast that ran was no better, no it was far more hideous than what hunted after it. It was a monster, a legend of folklore, not native to the land of Japan, a boogeyman of the forest, a devil of the night, yet there it went running. The skull of a large elf was its face, the antlers breaking out from the skull like crooked horns while its arched back and wide torso covered itself in loose and hanging brown skin that looked ever warm under the streetlight, decayed and almost rotten the skin looked both alive and dead. The ribs showing underneath the dress of its flesh, the beast from head to back covered itself in a dark brown hide of fur that only made its maddening form that much more perplexing as wet and glistening, the hide of fur hid the wounds underneath. With a large upper body that was almost encompassing, that with just the opening of its jaw, it could swallow you whole, the monster's lower body down to its abdomen was thin and lanky, as were its long yet strong arms, for even the human-like hands were fixed with sharp bone nails that could slice through steel. With long elk-like legs, the beast was a warped imitation of a monster and man, a result of black magic, a work of witchcraft, it was obviously of native origin.

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