S1: Episode 14 [ Fight Back ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 14: [ Fight Back ]






"We're home!"

Running inside as the door opened, Asia's feet left the ground before softly returning down to earth as Y/n stepped in behind her. Sighing while walking ahead of his excited senior, the male blond gave the home a small gloss over to make sure nothing had changed. Placing their bags to the side, he spoke.

"Asia, I don't think that's necessary...We live alone," Y/n commented turning around to face the now sheepish-looking girl, the evening sun's light shining right behind her and into the dark home, a high contrast of lights and darks being created from the flaming ball of heat.

"But, you live with me?" Asia replied, pushing her fingers against each other: Y/n proceeded to raise his right arm before shooting up his index finger. "No, you live with me, I just have to sleep on the couch."

Hearing this, Asia walked up to the younger blond, proceeding to look up at him with possible puppy dog eyes: a set of bright green eyes that seemed to glow in the dimly lit home that was only accompanied by the outside light. "...Well I can always take a turn on it if you want your bed back?" She offered, causing Y/n to stare at her for a couple of seconds, only to give her a small flick on the head before turning around and heading towards the kitchen.

"You're the salt of the earth, Asia," He said nonchalantly, making the girl smile as she watched him place his phone on the kitchen counter before turning towards the fridge and opening it, slightly concerned they may need to throw something expired away he continued to speak while inspecting the fridge. "Anyways, I'm going to need you to hurry up and get dressed after I take a shower...I smell like teenage boys and sweat, and not in the way I'd prefer...," Y/n said the last part under his breath as Asia walked into the kitchen, putting a finger to her chin as she responded, tilting her head at Y/n who was busy looking around in the fridge.

"Are we going to be watching the rating game with Lady Sona?" She questioned as Y/n stood up and closed the fridge, walking over to the sink and flicking a switch as light graced the kitchen. Glancing towards the door, he was happy to find it closed. Hearing Asia continuing to speak, he turned around to find her smiling like a giddy child. "....?" He raised a brow at this as she spoke.

"I can't wait to see how Issei does! He was working very hard for the last two days, and he even asked me for help with a special technique of-," Slapping a hand over her mouth, the blonde girl found her "little brother" giving her a look of both curiosity and suspicion as he leaned against the sink. "N-Nothing! But...," Correcting herself, Asia's mood fell back to stable levels as she presented the room with a soft smile, a sweet look in her eyes as she closed her hands in prayer position.

"I hope they win... Even if they're devils, they're still my friends, and they worked hard these past days, and being able to hang out with them was fun too...," Looking up at Alastor with a gentle expression, even the man in front of her could feel the kindness radiating from her. "So, I don't want them to lose, being friends with them is the best!" She said with genuine joy in her voice, as the days at Kuoh Academy were ones she hoped to see every day.

"....," Y/n paused at her words before shortly stepping up to her.

"Huh...? Did I say something...?" Receiving a soft hand over her head and a rewarding smile, Asia found Y/n patting her on the head. With her cheeks turning a bit pink, the innocent girl quickly just hugged the boy before stepping away. Lightly laughing at her reaction, Y/n shrugged his shoulders. "Well that's good to hear, and I guess I can relate... She is an interesting person, but besides that," Walking out of the kitchen, he waved behind as he headed towards the stairs.

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