S1: Episode 3 [ Mary On A Cross ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 3: [ Mary On A Cross.]






For almost anyone, sleep is rather important to them. More importantly, having a good night's rest can make the difference between starting your day off with a poor attitude or with sunshine and rainbows going across your face. Hell, everyone needs it, and almost everyone hates being woken from it when they're already wrapped up in warm covers and your mattress is suddenly the softest thing on the damn planet. Yes, sleep is the door that opens to the world of dreams and nightmares, and for men out there... There is no greater pain, no greater act of suffering, than waking up from that one dream, yes, that dream. The one where you seem to have a perfect life. The one where you find that special someone, fall in love, maybe do something indecent with them, and just as they're about to tell you "I love you", you wake up. And right now, on this Friday morning...

"Ring, ring!"

"Ring, ring, ring!"

"It's your phone! Come and say hello!"

"...Why?" Y/n muttered to himself as he stirred and rose up out of the bed, his room being fairly dark aside from the small sunlight coming from the closed curtains and blue light emanating from his phone. Wiping his eyes while his ringtone continued to sing, Y/n brushed his hair away from his face with his right hand while he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the small phone with his left. "My alarm hasn't even gone off, and I don't even think dad would call this early into the mission... Wait...screw me," Y/n cursed, sighing as he read the caller I.D, realizing who it was.

Stretching and hopping out of bed, it seemed he would have an extra thirty minutes to get ready today, how lucky. Walking over and opening the curtains and reacting like a vampire seeing sunlight, he winced at the brightness while putting the phone to his ear, answering his friend with a calm tone.

"Sup Issei, is there a reason why you're somehow up earlier than me?" Y/n asked as he gave only the slightest bit of an idea that he was annoyed by the sudden call. "I'm impressed, as such a change in character after only a couple of days of being friends must mean my advice truly had an impact on you."

"Screw your advice! I haven't been able to beat it since you said that foul crap to me!" Issei said on the other line, getting Y/n to smile as he walked over to his closet, opening it, and began to select today's outfit as he replied, a little more charismatic this time.

"I call that success, no, resounding success my good friend! Now before I change my mind and start getting pissy with you for waking me up from a nice dream, what do you need?" Y/n asked, earning a moment of silence as Issei realized that Y/n, while prudent with his attendance, was likely sleeping when he called.

"...Sorry. But, could you meet me by the park? Before we head to school I need to ask a favor," Issei replied, earning a sound of approval from Y/n as he pulled out a gray t-shirt from his closet. While this happened, Issei proceeded to follow up. "Also... Were you the one that freaking incinerated that stray devil solid a couple of nights ago? President was supposed to take care of that, and she wanted to know who did the job for her..."

"The one that looked to be part centipede, roach, and possibly fish?" Y/n asked, remembering a creature such as that.

"Yeah! That thing was hideous!" Issei replied in a disgusted voice.

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