S2: Episode 11: [ Fall into Despair: Reach towards Salvation. ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 11: [ Fall into Despair: Reach towards Salvation.]






None but the brave and foolish walk into hell willingly, and certainly only those with purpose.

The sky is a blue gradient of dark shades, fragments of the once midnight sky that begin to in turn blend with a gentle light shade of blue which accompanies the slowly rising golden sun. While most are leaving for work at this hour and children are still asleep, at Kuoh Academy, arriving as early as the white birds that fluttered over the school, are a pair of students.

"If you had remembered to tell me about this last night, I could have brought Hyoudou along with us," Standing in the field area of the school where sports practice typically was conducted, Y/n stood in front of an above-average-sized building with a white exterior and dark blue roof, talking to someone to his right. "Hmm, I could always just run back home and force him out of bed, but I guess I should spare my buddy the early alarm. I'm sure Rias would be pretty annoyed as well, apparently they share a bed," He explained, overlooking the building that led into the forested part of the school. Similar in appearance to the gym, the Kendo Club's clubroom was much smaller in comparison.

Standing next to Y/n was the familiar Xenovia dressed in a girl's uniform, glancing at Y/n as she replied. "The thought hadn't occurred to me till I had a dream last night, Irina had managed to beat me," Earning a chuckle from the blond, Xenovia didn't quite catch the humor in what she said.

"So you decided you needed to start back-training your skills because she managed to beat your ass? Alright, I get that but that doesn't explain why we needed to come so early, wait," Y/n began to remember something, waving his hand as he began walking up to the entrance. "Nevermind, I get it now, this works out better for us anyway."

"Alright, and thank you, my Lord," Xenovia said, beginning to follow Y/n inside as he flicked on the lights. "I would have asked Rias' knight for help, but given you also possess skill with the blade, I thought it would be a bad idea to pass up this opportunity to spar with someone stronger than me," She admitted as she put her school bag down, looking around the room and finding that the inside of the Kendo Club looked similar to that of an old school dojo, as with the floors and interior made of hardwood, on the walls were a series of either equipment or test swords, specifically kendo sticks.

"Uh, no problem. I'm more surprised you even remember me using Az-that sword of mine against those crows, but yeah I know my way around blades objects," Y/n explained, catching himself from letting something slip as he walked over to the left side of the room, opening up a closet and finding a series of traditional kimonos stored away for practice alongside some sets of body armor, but he was sure Xenovia wouldn't need it, he had honestly seen her fight more than enough to know she was durable.

"Though I must admit, even I was shaken by that blade's presence, even from the distance we watched it had an unmistakable presence of death... Where did you even find such a weapon?" Xenovia curiously asked as Y/n looked around, turning his head to her for a brief moment so he could answer.

"Oh, I guess you could say it's an heirloom, kinda like the treasures the Crowley family stole from God, I'm sure you know who they are, weren't they mentioned in the bible?" Y/n questioned, already knowing the answer as Xenovia nodded, finger to her chin as she recalled possible lessons from her time in the church.

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