S2: Episode 2: [ Who Needs God Anyway? ]

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 Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 2: [ Who Needs God Anyway? ]






Looking over his recent calls on his smartphone, Y/n counted four missed calls from Issei, two from Rias, and a couple of texts, as well as three from Sona, while in the case of Asia, he let out a deep sigh as he shifted the body resting over his left shoulder to a more comfortable position. "...Yep, they all felt that shit," He muttered as he read six missed calls from Asia. Shifting his eyes to privy the oncoming moonlit sky, noticing that the storm he caused had been reduced to a small rain by the time they arrived home. Turning to the girl at his right, he kept his eyes at face level, frowning a little as he noticed his clothes still were a bit wet. Taking out his key and placing it in the correct slot, he spoke.

"Hey Ravel, go ahead and get changed when we get inside, I'll shower after you," Meeting his eyes, the girl with sky blue eyes looked like she hadn't quite heard him at first before nodding her head and raising her shoulders before taking a breath as she brought them down. "Alright, but I have a question?"

"Ask it," He took his focus away from her and at the home next to his, eyeing the bedroom window within view as he saw that the lights were still on. "Given that Lady Rias and her Pawn live right next to us, wouldn't it be wise to invite them over to talk? If you hadn't planned to already, of course," She said as his eyes briefly left the window to fall back on her. Putting his stained right hand to his chin, he considered her words.

( They wouldn't be alarmed with Ravel being here as I was able to convince Rias to lay off the subject a day or two ago, but... No, I should address what happened as soon as possible: since Rias is going to tell Sona everything anyway, that means once I can arrange a meeting between all three of us, the only questions we'll have to ask is about what to do moving forward. Alright, not bad. ) Nodding his head and turning the knob, they were greeted by the warm and welcoming light of home sweet home. "It's a good idea, just remember the reason you're supposed to be here. Rias is nosey when she wants to be but can listen well, Issei might be a bit more honest though," Nodding in agreement, the Phenex and Snake stepped into the home, Ravel proceeding to close the door behind them as she let out a breath she had been holding in since they had started walking home.

( Maybe one of my brothers should have come instead... Being a hand of the Crowley is something I believe I'm capable of, but maybe... He could use someone more...) Hearing a thud against the wall next to her, Ravel turned to the right to find that...

"Are you okay!? Why is your hand covered in blood?! What happened!? Issei said you shook the country-"

With his back to the wall with a tiger cub as well as a frantic nun in front of him, Y/n put up a hand and proceeded to speak.

"Shhh...," He shushed her. "I'll explain, but first," Walking past Nala and Asia who followed behind and proceeded to toss the sack of potatoes, or well Kiba down on the couch. Fortunately, when Y/n knocked the knight out, he put him to sleep quite well, yet unfortunately for him, Asia finally noticed the boy as well, causing the girl to stare with her eyes wide before promptly turning around and giving her brother a look that demanded answers.

"Did you two fight!?" Asia asked in concern for Kiba, and not for Y/n, as it was obvious why.

"... we saved him," Ravel said, speaking up as Asia turned to her and looked quite lost. Sighing and picking up Nala who quickly got comfortable in his arms, Y/n began walking into the kitchen so he could wash his hands, calmly speaking as he did. "First off, we're okay, second we did save him because I felt something was wrong with him today and decided to keep an eye on him, third it wasn't the whole country: finally, my hand got cut by a man wielding a piece of Excalibur and Ravel healed me," He finished as he ran the cool water against his hands as the dried blood colored the droplets red while Nala rested on the counter, curiously watching on as Asia began taking slow breaths, trying to process whatever so calmly said.

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