S1: Episode 9 [ Rich Girl ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 9: [ Rich Girl.]






Soft as the clouds which hung over the earth, she rested her head on the cool pillows. With covers wrapped around her petite form, and dressed in pink pajamas, she was warm and comfortable, resting in a bed and room that wasn't originally her's, rather she had been gifted it by a man who refused the idea of sharing it, or letting a woman sleep on his couch.


Stirring in her sleep, she mumbled something under her breath. In a room that was pitch black, barely lit by the small light produced by the clock at her bedside, the sun hadn't yet come, yet morning had begun. April 14. This was a very important Friday, an important day for the young girl that slept ever comfortably. It would mark her first day in high school, an event she was more than excited for, having spent the previous day with her "younger brother" preparing for such a thing and possibly tiring him with her questions and worries. Of course, she had a lot of things to say and ask, it was her first time attending a school if you didn't count the previous institution she belonged to as one. And so, with her alarm set for her to rise early, Asia slept soundly as the image on the clock changed, and in a moment, her alarm was set off.



Ringing out and filling the room with sound, it was a testament to the walls that no other home was affected as the seemingly soundproof walls, courtesy of Y/n, stopped the blaring alarm from reaching beyond Asia's ears. The girl in question quickly got up before groaning as she rubbed her eyes. Holding her ears as she looked to her right and at the clock which flashed 5:AM, giving her the time of the day as she spoke rather in a tired tone.

"Ow! I didn't think it would be this loud! Oh no, what if I woke someone up!?" Quickly acting, Asia slammed her hand on the clock, ending the alarm as the equivalent of a police siren faded into silence. Maybe she overdid it when it came to setting an appropriate alarm to wake herself up? Yeah, she did. Sighing in relief at not having to worry about her ears' safety anymore, the girl looked around as her eyes adjusted to the dark room, looking over to the entrance and specifically at the light switch. Stretching her arms and yawning, the girl repeated a little saying to herself before getting the energy to hop off the bed.

"One, two...three!" Asia exclaimed before quickly moving and hopping off the bed, her feet hitting the ground with a small thud. Smiling a little, her emerald eyes glowed a little in the darkness as she walked over to the nearest wall, flicking the switch up as light entered the dark room, giving a view to a messy bed that she would soon clean. "Alaster should be getting up an hour or sooner... Which means I have plenty of time to get ready."

"I'll show him I'll be just fine on my own. Haha," Asia giggled, as for the time she had been living with him, she wasn't entirely oblivious to the fact that Y/n was keeping an eye on her to make sure she adjusted to life here well enough. Well, now it was time for her to show he didn't have to worry for the most part. Sure, she still needed help in the language and cultural department, but Asia wasn't a total ditz, just a little naive at times.

Opening the closet with a swing, the girl was greeted by a small wind as she stared at the clothes in front of her. Half were Y/n's and the other half was her own. Some she had brought with her, while some of the more stylish ones were paid for by a certain someone yesterday. Beginning to look through her things, her eyes lit up as she pulled out her school uniform, a uniform Y/n called, quote "Awful in every way possible", something that made her laugh as she placed it on the bed.

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