S1: Episode 10 [ Daisy Cutter ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season One ]

Episode 10: [ Daisy Cutter.]






"Well, I'm glad to know things went well for you, Asia," Y/n commented while they walked. Standing at her left while Issei was at her right, the two boys had their attention on the blonde in between them.

"Yes! Everyone was very welcoming, and they had so many questions that I felt a bit overwhelmed, hehe...," Asia explained, looking over at Y/n who nodded his head at this information. With the sky being a mix of colors, deep oranges, light purples, and tints of blue, it was obvious to see that the school day had just ended. On their way home, the group of three talked among themselves, with the subject of Asia's first day at Kuoh Academy being a hot topic of discussion.

"Yeah, they were all treating her like she was princess peach," Issei joked while Y/n whistled, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, the brunette continued on. "I'm pretty, Asia can tell you, but they also had questions about you too, man."

"Oh? And what could I have ever done to earn their curiosity?" Y/n asked in a voice of disbelief, earning a "really" look from Issei.

"Oh, they wanted to know a bit about us being siblings, some of the girls asked about your hobbies, while some of the guys asked if you worked out...?" Asia jutted in, making Alaster laugh a little as she carried on. "...And, they also asked about our parents, but! I made sure to change the subject when they did," The blonde finished, earning a small pat on the head courtesy of Y/n who ran a hand through his hair.

"Good, but to not leave any girls wondering. My hobbies include but of course are not limited to, studying history, listening to a variety of music, practicing dark arts, and of course creating new things. See, back in the Grigori, I was something of an inventor, but unfortunately, I left most of my important things back there, including a couple of important artifacts my family stole-I mean, borrowed from some important people," Y/n explained, catching the curiosity of Issei while Asia gave her friend a suspecting look.

"Wait, you invent crap? Man, why didn't you tell me? See, I have this great idea for wireless earphones," Issei said with mild excitement as Y/n looked a little surprised, expecting it to be something perverted, like a sex doll. Sure, he could make one, but he was glad that wasn't at all what Issei had in mind.

"Those? Yeah, we kinda already did that... You'll figure this out sooner or later, but the supernatural side of the world is pretty much-outclassing humanity in terms of technology, even in the day-to-day," Y/n commented as Issei looked surprised at this. Had he just expected things to be science on one side and magic on the other? "Wait! So does that mean we can actually create portal guns?!" Issei asked, quite excited as Asia felt quite confused at the mention of such a thing. Y/n on the other hand looked like he was about to deliver some unfortunate news.

"I mean...yes? It's just, between you and me, they become kinda useless when almost anyone with a grasp on demonic energy or the standard western or eastern magic systems can just teleport. Also, when we did end up making them, at least for the Grigori I believe, it became a debate on whether we should put them into the hands of the public...," Y/n explained as they walked, while on the other hand, Issei had a look of panic in his eyes.

"Wait, don't tell you guys freaking destroyed them!? Why does everything cool always get deemed as too dangerous for the world!?" Issei whined as Y/n sighed a little.

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