S2: Episode 3: [ The Crowfather, The Black Hand, and The White Dragon:]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2]

Episode 3: [ The Crowfather, The Black Hand, and The White Dragon: A Family of Sinners. ]






"I swear to Satan I think the only reason you hang out with me is that it keeps the weirdos away," Y/n said with a closed eye smile as he leaned back against the headboard of his bed.

"...The free food doesn't hurt either," The girl on the other line replied in her usual voice as she received a chuckle from the blond sitting up on what was formerly his bed that currently belonged to two blondes that weren't him.

"Does that make us friends with benefits or am I just being used?" Y/n asked as he let out an odd laugh that sounded almost fake.

"What?... Ew, perv," Koneko promptly replied as Y/n pulled the phone away from his ear and muttered a curse under his breath before reaching for the small notepad he had at his right and beginning to cross something out with quite an amount of force.

( Why the hell did I even try that?! ...Well, at least I can cross out that one...) He thought to himself before reaching for his phone again, glancing out the room and downstairs as he heard Ravel and Asia talking to each other. Putting his phone to his ear, he possessed an unsure look on his face. "...Are you still there or do I have a tough crowd today?"

Dear god the wait was only raising his fears that he had just messed up.


"...Yeah I am, Idiot. Maybe try going back to the old material next time, this new stuff just isn't hitting the same, Casanova," Koneko replied as Y/n nodded and began mentally letting out sighs of relief.

"Sure, but mind if I ask something that isn't, uhh, stupid?"

"...Sure? But if it's chemistry notes, then I think the whole class is going to fail...," The girl joked as Y/n smiled again. Shaking his head and chuckling, he stood up off the bed and began walking around the bedroom.

"No, I wanted to know if you're free tomorrow. ...I," Y/n debated for a moment, resting his right arm against the window as he stared out at the evening sky, its warm color, its golden glow as the sun drifted into the distance. "I have family coming today, but I'm free Sunday and thought...( Man... This crap used to be so easy! I was almost married to a woman for Lucifer's sake! How am I having trouble going through the steps I skip-Oh...shit. )

Koneko muttered something as Y/n raised a brow, not quite hearing her, a small knot forming in his stomach as his left foot tapped against the carpet waiting as she eventually spoke up again. "...I was supposed to go help some friends out, but, want to go to one of those...stupid theme parks?"

Blinking and going to respond, his mouth was left partly hanging open as he swallowed and tried something that he began second-guessing the moment he began to say it. "That sounds fun, and I wouldn't mind, but...I was thinking more of me coming over and hanging out, I've only ever seen the outside of your house you know...?" He noted as his grip around the phone became less loose.

"You want to come over?" For once there wasn't a pause in her words as the girl asked her question that came out as less than a question and more of a statement. "...I thought you said you had family coming? Wouldn't you want to hang out with your family more? I mean...you did say you missed your brother a couple of times before? ...Wait, who's all coming?" Genuinely interested, Y/n explained.

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