S2: Episode 18: [The Strongest Sibling: Y/n or Vali?]

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They who stand atop creation...

In this unfair and unjust world where man is thought to be created equal. Among the supernatural, they stand at the bottom of the barrel. Standing on cold hard ground that lays before the enormous mountain which determines the order of this world. Mankind. They're typically thought to stand at the end of this pecking order.

Exceptions are never the rules and are not to be considered hopeful sparks of change in a way of life that is determined solely by ideals and might, as in this world, the former is nothing without the latter. Only fools and deadmen declare their dreams without the means to achieve them. They are better asleep in a world that they control than dead for chasing after such ignorant endeavors that they believed possible as a child. As for every one in a million talent that shall arise to be a great and powerful hero that makes even the sun shine under them before their magnificence and glory, our legends that are recorded in history who make even the weak and feeble believe that with just effort and hard work, they can be just like them-

There still exist the millions of ants that carry on with their lives of complacency, unable to go beyond the limits set upon them. For every chosen one, there is a boy whose hard work just wasn't enough. In this world, mankind is not a star among races. Barely, they're children of unified advancement but social ignorance. But that is not a shameful truth, as...

Neither are the devils who were among the first to teach man sorcery before the founding fathers of mankind's magic systems instructed their brethren.

Neither are the angels or their fallen brethren.

And most certainly not the humble humans who have profited during the luxury of ignorance towards the true nature of the world hid behind a veil right underneath them. Building their cities high and into the sky, they have profited in their blissful ignorance, making war with only themselves as only their kings know the truth of the matter.

They are not the strongest either, and certainly not perfect. Has there ever been anyone that was?

But within the vast sea of life stretching beyond the earth and into the realms that extend even into the stars: they all, every race thought to be only fantasy, they all pale in comparison to the titans that stand at the pinnacle of the racial pool. As in this word, among the many, there stand two lifeforms, two races which are thought to be the pinnacle of power.

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