S2: Episode 13: [ Prelude To Peace: The Visitors ]

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 Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 13: [ Prelude To Peace: The Visitors. ]






Location: Cerulean Tower. Tokyu Hotel.

( Once again, I am at the Devil's convenience, couldn't he have picked any place closer? )

Up and above, the clear glass walls of the ascending elevator showed the bright city below, as once he glanced away from his phone screen, Y/n's cool purple eyes peered down below at the busy streets of Shibuya. Hundreds, thousands, millions of ants went up and down the streets down below, unaware of his presence as he stood above them all as the elevator ascended to the top floor of the hotel he had grown familiar with.

"But, if the Archangel Michael decided to meet with Issei and gift him with Ascalon, maybe Sirzechs has a gift for me. Haha," Chuckling as he looked ahead, the burning sun in the distance seemed to be within his grasp as he stared ahead, his lips curving up slightly as he smiled. "I'm not giving that sword back, once a deal is made, it shouldn't be broken," Reaching forward, he placed his right hand on the glass, blocking his view of the sun as only the deep blue sky was left to hover above the city. Closing his hand and forming a fist, it felt as if he was holding the ball light in his very hand as he laughed and took his hand off the glass. "Haha, if I steal the stars, then I'll simply go after the True Longinus next. Haha, but I doubt I'll get it as easy as I did the dragon slayer, I hear Cao Cao is a tough cookie, Indra even acknowledges his skill," Shrugging, Y/n crossed his arms and looked up as he passed another floor.

"But, I doubt righteous greed should be on my mind today, tomorrow is the big day after all...," Taking a breath, he turned around to face the metal doors of the elevator which told him he only had one floor left to pass before he'd reach his destination. Looking down at his clothes, he smiled fondly at what he was wearing, as while plain for his standards, there was a reason he decided to dress casually rather than flashy today. (Honestly, maybe I should let her pick out more combinations for me, she certainly knows what I look good in. ) Dressed in a collared short-sleeved black shirt and a pair of white slacks that hung a bit at his ankles with a leather black belt to help keep his shirt tucked in. Alongside a pair of glossy black business shoes over fresh white socks, he was dressed simple but clean as today's fit was picked out for him and ironed by a Ms. Asia Argento.

"It's a surprise, but a welcomed one. ...I really want to get her something, or at least take her on a trip, heh," He commented to himself as the elevator came to a slow stop before:


"And to my destination, I have arrived," Watching the metal doors open before stepping through and onto the reflective black floor of the classy hotel, the elevator doors closed behind Y/n as he exited. Glancing to the left and then the right, Y/n knew where he needed to go and headed left, sensing the area around him as he headed down the hall and took another right, sensing two familiar presences in a certain room, while a third was somewhere around the area he was in, though he paid no mind to them despite being close by.

To his left the walls were white, and to his right, the walls were made of clear glass like before, and all he needed to do was find the room with a gray door, and he'd find Sirzechs. Which wasn't going to be hard with how sharp his memory was-He felt someone behind him.

Coming to a slow stop, his steps came crawling to a snail's pace as he eventually stood completely still, feeling the presence of someone behind him. Without fear or worry, Y/n didn't do a thing as the individual got extremely close to him. Feeling a surprisingly large set of soft breasts pressed against his lower back as with a hop they jumped up and covered his eyes with their hands. Hearing the familiar woman giggle as she spoke.

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