S1: Episode 16 [We Are Young. ]

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: One ]

Episode 16 : [ We Are Young. ]






Calm and composed, seated at her desk the student council president leaned forward in her seat, a glint of might and authority in her violet eyes, her beautiful face ever still as the room's light bounce off her spectacles: just being under her dominating gaze could make even the most bullheaded of delinquents break in two and for this poor saint.

"...I'll ask you again, Asia. Where is your brother?" Sona's voice was a stern one, earning a nervous look from the girl who stood directly in front of her.

"Eh, umm...? He's still busy!" Asia squeaked out as she looked above and ahead of Sona, not daring to make contact with the woman as she felt herself squirm under the pressure she gave off. With a jumpy feeling in her body, her eyes had a look of unconfidence in them. "Oh? And does being busy include missing, oh I don't know...," Sona glanced up at Asia making the blonde look away. "Missing an entire week of school...? I had excused him for the days he took to train Rias' group as a favor to her, but this is simply ridiculous. Both of you are still new students, and this is a blotch on his attendance. It is the fifth of May and he still hasn't shown up."

"Well...Alaster has been giving me all his work to turn in, so...," Asia had a semi-look of defeat in her eyes as she raised her finger, as if she could defend her little brother right now with just that comment alone, nevertheless, even she knew this was a losing effort, as Sona's expression hadn't changed once since they began. "He can be forgiven with good grades...right?"

Sona sighed as her head fell a little. "If all it took was good grades to pass school, even cheaters would be crowned, girl," The Sitri heiress stated as Asia dropped her eyes, giving a disappointed sigh while Sona raised her head.

"Is he sick?"

"...No, I heard him doing pull-ups in the shower this morning."

"...Then why isn't he here?"

Asia, the good person she was, couldn't help but muse to herself about what to do. "Alaster told me I can't tell you...He said you'd give him a headache and more punishments," Asia admitted, ready to take the truth to the grave out of loyalty!

Yet, Sona was smarter than Asia by a wide margin. Meaning...

"Asia, you're his older sister, correct?" Sona asked, confusing Asia a little as she nodded her head a bit shy, making Sona curve her lips upward ever so slightly. "...Umh, I'm older by a year, so I guess it worked out like that, hehe," The nun explained, rubbing her thumbs together and smiling a little.

"Then as an older sister, it's only right you look out for him, correct?"

"Of course!" Asia suddenly said, standing up straight and strong as she gave Sona a serious look. Taken aback a little, Sona nodded. "Meaning, you should make sure he's attending school, right? We wouldn't want your little brother flunking, or even winding up in summer school, right Asia?" Sona calmly asked, making herself out to be a friend, a girl to talk to even.

( ...Little brother. ...Would I be a bad sister if I let him get in trouble, oh no! ) Asia thought to herself, feeling a bit of panic hit her as she quickly nodded her head. "Of course! Y/n is still too young to be making mistakes that could harm him!"

Sona smiled. "Then tell me the reason he isn't here today, and I'll forgive it, just this once," She once again requested as Asia suddenly froze, weighing her options once again as she spoke to herself.

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