S2: Episode 16: [ Lucifer v Crowley ]

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Location: [ Kuoh Academy: 8:03 PM]

Before a mountain of abandoned dreams piled upon each other like a mass of graves filled with half-hearted attempts, there exists the persevering few whose candles light the way through dark tunnels on their way to the promised peak.

To be different is to be seen, and to be seen is to be viewed, and to be viewed is to be judged. To be mocked, to be loved, to be hated, to be admired, as when anyone stands up out from the despairing sea that is the world's constant state and dares to say they will divert the flow and lead this sea into new currents, many will come, few will stay, and only one deserves to stand as the one who did it.

To change the world and lead it into a new age.

To overcome the world and stand atop it.

These are not normal dreams.

They're the ambitions of men who are absolutely willing to destroy in order to gain. As to stand before the world and those that live in it, and dare say to them that they will either follow and be left in awe or be left in the dust and left to scorn your very name, oh it is the very height of arrogance to anyone that isn't these men.

As with great desire, there lies an aura of madness that leaves all around them unable to claim they truly know the extent of drive and ambition.

For their minds cannot be changed once set.

Winning is simply not enough for them as it would be for any other man, they're after something greater, glory, success, acquisition of a goal that may even kill them in order to truly attain it and have it realized before their eyes.

Don't pretend to understand their madness when you haven't run even half as hard as they have.

Ridicule it if you wish, call them fools if you dare.


These madmen will chase after it.

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