S2: Episode 5: [ London Bridge 2: Countdown to...

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Highschool DxD The Serpent King: [Season: 2 ]

Episode 5 : [ London Bridge 2: The Countdown to Armageddon begins.]






"Potential my ass... I couldn't do anything, damn it!" Issei cursed as he fell back against the maroon loveseat, a soft, soothing, green grow covering his body as to his left sat Asia, who currently tended to his body through the use of her sacred gear. The nun with jade-colored eyes kept her eyes toward the seat cushions as she shook her head at him, a small frown meeting her face while someone else nudged the brunette on the shoulder.

"...We all got our asses kicked, perv," Koneko said, in better condition than Issei who was currently the last to be healed. "Besides...you did pretty well before that," She finished, surprising the brunette who leaned up and met her eyes with a complicated expression. Shaking his head before shifting his view downward to his cupped hands, Issei glanced to the far right, finding his king resting against the front of her desk as the red-haired beauty stood with quite a serious expression.

( ...I just stood in place and got shafted...! ) His hands gripped each other, his frustrating expression noted by both Rias and Asia, the former releasing a long-held sigh as she spoke up, her eyes softening a bit once she paid more attention to the brunette. The power to hear the thoughts of one's servant, is quite a resourceful power, is it not?

"Alright everyone," Stepping forward towards the front of the room, standing directly in front of the table between the two couches, Rias possessed a burning flare to her eyes, demanding both the room's whole attention and all the strength in the world at this moment. Crossing her arms before taking in a breath of air, the Gremory heiress released the small stream in the next moment. Overlooking those currently present, she found her pawn, her rook, a good friend in Asia, and most importantly her queen, Akeno. "After I arrived at Koneko's and Issei's location, both Sona and I received one last message from our friend, Alaster," Pulling out her phone for all to see, Rias promptly displayed the message. Those present moving up closer to hear the voice message.

"Rias, Sona! He's heading to the damn school! Call your damn siblings and hold off till they or I fucking arrive-Oh get the hell off me you goddamn waste of life! You two go and save-'' His voice was urgent and demanding before the message cut off, the sound of a booming and chaotic battle filled the background sound, and the last thing that could be heard was Y/n likely knocking someone back as he called out to those with him.

"He's in trouble...," Asia muttered. "...How long ago was that?" Worriedly looking up at Rias, Asia stared at the girl waiting for answers, a strong look in her eye that melded with her concern for the boy she heard on the phone. Rias shook her head before meeting Asia's eyes, a feeling of doubt stirring in the nun's stomach while the Gremory frowned...

"...Almost twenty minutes ago, currently Sona and the rest of her peerage are waiting outside the school and plan to-Asia wait!" Shouting as she caught the girl by the arm, stopping her from storming out, Rias gripped Asia's left arm with enough strength to stop but not harm her. Staring at the back of her head, Rias couldn't let her run off. "Asia, wait! I'm sure he'll be here, but we need you here right now to act as a healer once Kokabiel and any of his forces arrive along with him!" Rias instructed while Issei began to stand up as well, the frustration getting to him. He wanted to go find them as well. Kiba and Y/n: what the hell would happen if Kouh was without their blonde pretty boys?

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